Vly R Pl LB/PP-ES 850208":'GF #84-47552-SFCO-LBJ/PH FF: $13.00 IF CD ACCESS AND HAINTENANCE EASEHENT THE STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF DALLAS X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN' THAT THE UNDERSIGNED, TRILAND/NORTHSTED, a Texas joint venture, acting herein by and through its duly authorized agent and manager, TRILAND DEVELOPMENT, INC., hereinafter referred to as Grantors, whether one or more, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) to Grantors in hand paid by the Irving Flood Control District, Section III, ("Grantee") the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration of the benefits to be derived by Grantors from the placing of an access right-of- way through the premises hereinafter described, have this day granted and conveyed and by these presents do hereby grant unto the Irving Flood Control District, Section III, situated in Dallas County, Texas, a 20' access and maintenance easement for the purpose of providing ingress and egress to inspect, patrol, repair, construct, reconstruct and perpetually maintain District facilities in, upon, and across the following described land, to- wit: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Dallas, State of .Texas, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property (the "Easement Area"): TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid easement rights unto the Irving Flood Control District, Section III, its successors and assigns, and Grantor does hereby bind itself and its successors to warrant and forever defendall and singular the said rights of easement to the Grantee, its successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. The foregoing grant, sale and conveyance of the Easement Area is expressly subject to the following conditions: 1. In the event that the Grantee, its successors and/or assigns discontinue the use of all or any part of the Easement Area for the purposes described hereinabove, the discontinued portion of this Easement shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect; 2. If, in exercising Grantee's rights in such Easement Area or areas appurtenant thereto, Grantee causes any changes in or injury to the Easement Area, any improvements therein or the property appurtenant thereto, Grantee, within a reasonable time after the exercise of such rights, shall reasonably restore the Easement Area, the property appurtenant thereto and/or such improvements to a similar condition existing prior to the change or injury; and 3. This grant is made subject to the rights of the public an~ Grantor, its successors and/or assigns to perform maintenance on the improvements within the Easement Area to use the Easement Area for a recreational common'area, for utility and street right- of-way, and for pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and access to and from property appurtenant to such Easement Area, such uses to include, but not be limited to, Grantor's use of the Easement Area to 85039 construct or reconstruct and maintain storm sewers, utility mains and lines, pedestrian walkways and bridges, walls, slope lining, landscaping and irrigation systems, parks, picnic and recreational areas and facilities, lighting, bicycle paths and signage within, over, under and across the Easement Area, provided said uses do not unreasonably interfere with the intended and necessary use of the Easement Area by Grantee, and further provided the Grante~ shall in no way be responsible for any damages thereto as a result of Grantor using the access and maintenance easement areas. 4. If Grantor should ever determine, at its cost, to relocate, modify or change the area of the access easement, ther the Grantee shall accept any new easement area in lieu of thc release of t%e easement area not then required, to the Grantor upor completion of the relocation, modification or change. EXECUTED this 8th day of February , 1985. 'fRII'~%ND/NORTBSTED JOINT VE~]T~RE,a Texas joint venture, acting herein by and through its duly authorized agent and manager, Triland Development, Inc., a Texas Corporation By: ~'~ Rea, President STATE OF TEXAS X X COU~m'Y OF DALLAS X BEFO[~E NE, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the said State on this day personally appeared Edward P. Rea, President of TRILAND DEVELOPMENT, INC., the duly authorized agent and manager of TRILAND/NORTHSTED JOINT VENTURE, a Texas joint venture, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to thc f,~J egoing instrument and acknowledged to me th~ :. the same w .s the act of said TRILAND DEVELOPMENT, INC., in its capacity as agent and manager for TRILAND/NORTHSTED JOINT VE~TURB, and that he executed the same :.'.'or the purposes and consideration th~:ein ~.x. pressed, in the capacity therein stated an£ a.~ the act and d~.:~d of said TRILAND DEVELOPMENT, INC., on behalf of TRILAHD/NORTHSTED JOINT VENTURE. My Commission Expires: Notary ~i~, 'of Texas 37 5 LIENHOLDER'S CONSENT AND SUBORDINATION The undersigned holder of liens against the Easement Area set forth hereinabove, hereby consents to the grant of this Easement and agrees that the liens evidenced by that certain Deed of Trust (with Security Agreement and Assignment of Rents and Leases) dated September 5, 1984 executed by TRILAND/NORTBSTED JOINT VE~TURE to Barry D. Drees, Trustee, recorded in Volume 84178, Page 0129, Deed of Trust Records, Dallas County, Texas, securing payment of one certain Promissory Note of even date therewith in the original principal amount of $8,500,000.00, payable to the order of the undersigned company and held by such holder are hereby subordinated, in all respects, to the provisions of such Easement Agreement. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA THE STATE OF TEXA~ COUNTY O~ DALLAS .".. BEFORE ME, the ]ndersigned au[ ~¢ icy, u Notary Public in and -. · --': f6r the State cf Texas on th~ £~ da~ personally appeared '~,t, -~ah~%~_~_~m ...... of ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, known to me to e the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instru~,ent, and acknowled~.ed to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN~N~R ~y ~AND AND SEAL O~ O~ICE this day of ~~ ~ ~- ~~.__, 1985. Notary P~blic, State oT~Texa~/ My Commission Expires: (Printed or Typed Name of Notary) 85039 37' '6 MAINTENANCE & ACCESS EASEHENT IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS TRACT C BEING a tract of land for n proposed u~iutenence and access easement (20 feet vide) situated in the Singleton Thempsou Survey, Abstract No. 1493, and being in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being part of a tract of land conveyed to Tril·nd/Northsted Joint Venture ·s recorded in Volume 82118, Pale 0213 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and bein$ more particularly described ss follows: COMMENCING ·t an iron rod found at'~ point au the vest line of said Singleton Thompson Survey and the east line of the J. C. Cook Survey, Abstract no. 315, said point being on the south right-of-way line of Belt Line Road (120 feet vide), said point also belug the northwest property corner of said Triland/Northsced Joint Venture; THENCE South 0°01'27'' West, glans the vest property line of said Triland/Northsted Joint Venture, · distance of 15.0& feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THKNCE.South 85°&2'35# hat, a distance of 20.06 feet to I point for · corner; THEHCE South 0°01'27n Vest, I distance of 80.92 feet to a point for · corner; THI~CE South 0°10'00' Vest, I distance of &8~.69 feet to a point for a corner; THEIiCE south 89050'00# hat, a distance of lA.02 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 19°&5'49' East, I distance of 156.50 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the left, baying a radius of 40.00 feet, a central angle of 76000'00'', and whose center bears North 70°14'11' East; TRKI~CE Southeasterly, along said circular curve, an arc distance of 53.06 feet to the point of taugency; TREIICE llortb 84°14'11u E~st, a distance of 257.27 feet to a point for · corner; THIICI South 0°10'00u If·st, s distmnce of 20.11 feet to I point for a corner, said point bahs au the north ri~ht-of-vey line of the proposed Grapevine Creek Channel (vidth verbs); TRKIICE South 84°14'11, Vest, along said north rishc-of-vay line, a distance of 2~$.19 feet to the point of curvature of 8 circular curve to the right, having a red~uo of 60,00 feet, 8 centrnl susie of 76°00'00', and whose center bears North ~°&5'&Ou YeaC; TH~CE Borth~esterly, along said north right-of-way line and sa~d circular curve, an arc distance of 79.59 feet to the point of tan~ency; 85039 37 7 THEHCE Berth 19045'49" West, alerts said north right-of-ray line, s distance of 142.40 feet to 8 point for a corner; THEIJCB ISortb 89050'00" #est, alerts said north right-of-way line0 · distance of 20.00 feet to a point for a corner, said point being on the west property line of said Triland/Borthatod Joint Venture; THSIJCB Berth 0°10'00" hot, alou~ said vest property line, a distance of 504.67 feet to · point for · coFner; THRICE Iortb 0°01'27" hat, elon~ said west property line, · distance of 82.38 feet to the POIJiT OF BEGINNIJlGAND CONTAINING 21,308 square feet or 0.4891 acres of lend ~ore or leas. 85039 3788 ~O.C. ~,AC, T C · 891 AC. 15; Publ/c U]il,'f~t Esmt. ~P.O.e. ~Z. T PO. ~. G RAPE I,,'//V~. (Vol. 8,;z~? , P~. 59~a) TRACT I. 6085 Ac. ~ T,~ACT E O.;£;Z /k:. CHANNEL, KAAM I~ADIO STATION TRACT .4 - E FOre TRIL ANO DEV£/..O,e~MENT CO.