Vly R Pl LB/PP-CS 871110Subdivision Name Pre liminary. Plat CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Da te . November 10, 1987 Valley Ranch Plaza Pads B through I Applicant Address Phone i Dunning Development Corporation 7001 Preston Road, Suite 500, Dallas Street City 528-9205 Firm'Preparing Plat_ Albert H. Halff Associates~. Inc. Address 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive $ tree t Dallas city .Phone t 739-0094 Texas S Late 75205 Texas State 75225 P'roperty Owner ._ Dunning Development Corporation Address Phone ! Developer Address 7001 Preston Road. Suite 500. Street . 528-190,5. , , Dunnin~ Develppment Corporation Dallas TexaA 75205 City Sta. te ZiP 7001 Preston Road, SBite 500 Dallas Texas ,. Street City State Phone t 528-1905 All Correspondence relative, to this app!£catton should be directed to whom: · · Name Mr. Gre8 Kuhn Address 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas~ Texas 75225 State, Zip ~hone't 739-0094 General Loca~ton o~ Property The property is located southwest of the MacArthur' ~ Boulevard and Belt Line Road intersection. ' 9. What is the present Zoning District? LI Are .you requesting any zonin9 chan~e?~p~p~p~i~_own~rs_ ~ -~ ~ ~u~n~°f"~'~uy s I! yes, what is the Case File Noi? Zoning district.requested? LI-SUP 10. Proposea Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units pin~!e Family D_~up.]ex Mu]ti-Fam["ly Industrial Par)ts, Public Conflomin~um (specify new or converson) Total Ac~es (for each use) ~ ..... 5.7709 SIGNATUR IP-I~O P ERTY OWNER' .! MAC ARTHUR/BELTUNE (SWC) RETAIL JV 8235 DOUGLAS AVE., SUITE 816 DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 NOV. 13 19 87 ~ ~ ONE HUNDRED THRITY TWO DOLLARS DOLLARS · : FILING FEES ,.ooo ~ ,.;.,, ~,: ~, ~, ~,ooo~. ~.?,: ~,~ ?o~ FILING FEES I I '7 DATE: RE'.