Vly R Pl LB/PP-CS 880307March 7, 1988 COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS TO: FROM: RE: Planning & Zoning Department Public Works Department Valley Ranch Plaza - Pads B-I Attached are the comments and fee assessments associated with the above referenced development, whicb staff believes are applicable. If there are any questions and/or comments regarding this matter, please direct those inquiries to the following departments that are affected. Thank you. Public Works Administration Steve Goram Steve Morton Water Utilities Howard Pafford Parks Richard Diano Streets - Signs/Signalization Per Birdsall Dana Kamp SGG/sm Attachments COMMENTS/REVIEW Valley Ranch Plaza Pads B-I Streets There has been no problem found with the final plat submitted in relation to streets and drainage. Parks The Parks department has reviewed the final plans for the project and has no comments on those items .reviewed by the department. A landscape maintenance agreement per the Streetscape Plan must be executed and received prior to issuance of any construction permit. Water Utilities There was a question on the 6" private water line (interior). Since the Water Utilities department will not be maintaining ~this line and Engineering says line size is sufficient, I see no problem in tbe water and sanitary sewer utilities in this plat. VALLEY RANCH PLAZA Fees: Pads B-I Fees are calculated per information submitted to Steven M. Morton, Chief of Land Developmental Inspection. Any questions pertaining to fee calculation need to be addressed to Steven M. Morton. Water/Sewer Availability Fee = $120.00 per 1000 SF of Building SF Building Tract B = 4000 SF / SF Building Tract C = 7000 SF / SF Building Tract D = 2300 SF / SF Building Tract E = 6500 SF / SF Building Tract F = 4000 SF / SF Building Tract G = 2800 SF / SF Building Tract H = 3400 SF / SF Building Tract I = 5871 SF / 4 x $120.00 = $480.00 7 x $120.00 = $840.00 2.3 x $120.00 = $276.00 6.5 x $120.00 = $780.00 4 x $120.00 = $480.00 2.8 x $120.00 = $336.00 3.4 x $120.00 = $408.00 5.871 x $120.00 = $704.52 TOTAL = 35,871 SF TOTAL = $4304.52 35.871 X $120.00 Water Tap Fee $100.00 per tap = (3 taps) Sewer Tap Fee $100.00 per tap = Park Fund = Street Light - Pending information TU Electric Strret Sign = $4,304.52 $300.00 $100.00 N/A N/A 50% due @ final plat $2152.26 50% due @ building permit $2152.26