NCH letter questioning changeNCHco
Fax to: Gary L. Sieb
Fax #: 214-393-0948
Date: January 21, 1994
From: Don Moulton
Fax #: (214) 438.0770
Fax Operator: (214) 438-0557
Number of Pages: 3
January 21, 1994
Mr. Gary L. Sieb
Director of Planning and Community Service
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, TX 75019
Dear Mr. Sieb:
It has come to our attention that the City of Coppell, in the course of updating the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan, has identified various properties as candidates for City
initiated rezoning. We have been informed that one of these sites is a portion of the
approximately 150 Acre tract owned by the NCH Corporation, in western Coppell.
The NCH Corporation has been a long term owner of this property. We have always been
very interested in the planning, development, and growth of Coppell. We have
cooperated fully with the City, and served on interested property owner associations, in
an effort to ensure this portion of the City is developed in a planned and orderly manner.
Many years ago, we worked hand-in-hand with the City to help solve a Thoroughfare Plan
problem by altering the route of the proposed Freeport Parkway extension through our
Considering our successful relationship in the past, we were obviously puzzled to learn
that the City may be considering substantial changes to the zoning of our property and
did not contact or consult with us.
As we understand it, the proposal is to move the Multi Family zoned land fronting on
Coppell Road further into our site (to the West) and to replace it with a layer of Single
Family zoning in an effort to buffer the existing Single Family across Coppell Road to the
East. Although we would like to learn more before we finalize our comments, our initial
concerns are:
On a factual basis, your report infers that our entire 150 Acre track is zoned MF-2,
when in fact only that portion fronting on Coppell Road is zoned MF-2, comprising
approximately 29 Acres. The rest of our property is zoned LI. Please refer to the
attached map.
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 152170, IRVING, TX 75015-2170
Mr. Sieb - 2 - January 21, 1994
We fail to understand how introducing Single Family on the west side of Coppell
Road does anything but further complicate any perceived conflict between the MF
and SF uses. As it is now, the two uses are separated and buffered by an existing
thoroughfare. The proposal would place MF immediately adjacent to SF,
necessitate traffic flow through the SF to reach the MF, and push residential
development further into the existing "Industrial" section of the city. Surely, that
is not what you desire.
As a practical matter, Multi Family development is only marketable when it is
visible and accessible from something other than a local street. Moving it off
Coppell Road would severely impact the value of our MF-2 property. Additionally,
there are minimum parcel size and shape considerations that may all but kill any
hope for MF development, if we are left with a thin strip of MF-2 zoning between
the proposed SF and the existing LI.
We would like to continue our excellent history of cooperation with each other. We
request that before your come to any concrete conclusions, we would like to: A. More fully understand your thoughts
B. Be given a chance to participate in the process of determining the best course
of action.
I will be out of town for the next two weeks but have asked our planning consultant,
Curtis Young of Peckham-Young, Inc., to contact you. Please work with him to address
these concerns. Thank you.
Don Moulton, P.E.
Director of Corporate Real Estate
cc: Curtis Young, Peckham-Young, Inc.
FROrd : PHONE NO. : 214 92~ 124:].
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