Town Oak Ctr/PP,FP-CS 840312P. O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
214 - 462 - 0022
MARCH 12, 1984
Southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and
Denton Tap Road intersection.
Requesting variance from the 10 foot set-
back from the Right-of-Way line required in
Section 23, Subsection 23.4, paragraph 2.
Univest Corporation and Minyards Corporation
represented by Glen Hinkley.
The applicant is requesting a variance ranging from one (1) foot to seven (7)
feet from the required ten (10) feet setback from the Right~of-Way line
required in Ordinance #297, Section 23, Subsection 23.4, paragraph 2.
Square footage required by ordinance:
10 feet (setback) x 743 L.F. (Denton Tap & Sandy Lake Rds.) = 7430 sq. ft.
of landscape area required between Right-of-Way line and parking area.
Square footage proposed by applicant:
4281 square feet of landscape area between Right-of-Way line and parking
area or 56.6% of required area.
In addition, the applicant would like for you to take these calculations into
a. Total area (sq. ft.) required by ordinance of the ten (10) feet
setback from the Right-of-Way plus 5% landscaping, 10 feet (setback)
x 743L.F. : 7430 sq. ft. + 12,922 : 20,352 sq. ft. of landscape area
b. Total area (sq. ft.) allocated by applicant of proposed Right-
of-Way setback plus 5% landscaping;
4281 sq. ft. + 20,120 = 24,401 sq. ft. of landscape area, which
exceeds the required by 4,049 sq. ft. or 4.6%
To clarify and explain in a specific manner, I will break the areas into
four sections: 1) Section 1, the area in front of building "D". 2) The
Section. 2, the area directly in front of Building "E" Minyards, which
these sections are adjacent to Denton Tap Road. 3) The Section 3, the area
between the 30 foot fire lane west to the outtract (lot #1) on Sandy Lake
Road. 4) The Section 4, the area in front of Building "A", also adjacent to
Sandy Lake Road.
Section 1:
This area could have an additional 2 feet added with the reduction of the
access lane to 20 feet, which would give a minimum of six feet to ten feet
of Right-of-Way setback on this particular area.
Section 2:
In this area out of the 230 total feet, 130 feet of this area either meets
or exceeds the required ten feet setback from the Right-of-Way. The
additional 100 feet being adjacent to a twenty-six foot access lane
could be remedied by reducing the access lane to 21 feet, which would
allow for the five feet needed to aquire the full ten feet setback.
Section 3:
The three access lanes directly south of the Right-of-Way line being
22 feet, 22 feet & 25 feet consecutively if reduced to 20 feet could
accomodate the additional seven feet needed to have the full ten feet
setback from the Right-of-Way.
The section would be the most difficult to acquire the additional footage
because of:
1. The parking spaces are at a minimum of 18 feet in depth.
2. The access lane is at a minimum of twenty feet.
This draws a conclusion that the only possible way to get the additional seven
feet needed would be to cut - off seven feet of the structure or arcade,
which could be classified as a hardship,