i, Each dwelling shall be used only for residental purposes.
2, Owners shall not use~ or permit the use oft their premises in
any ff~nner which would constitute of nuisance,
3. No owner or lessee shall create or permit any disturbance
that will interfere with the c,:~nforts or convenience of others,
4, Pets shall be restricted to no more than two pets per
dwelling, A pet shall mean a dog or cat, Pets shall be on a leash at
all tirr~s when not confined within the Owner's lot, Dogs shall not be
walked on grass other than immediately surrounding Owner's lot unless
5, Trash will be placed in receptacles, For sanitary reasons,
all trasht except newspapers, shall be in a plastic bag and tied
securely before being placed in trash receptacles,
6. No clothes or similar articles shall be hung on balconies or
outdoors for any purpose whatsoever,
7. 'Bicyclest toys or clutter shall not be left outside homes at
any sirra. Bicycles or clutter so left shall be impounded, Such
articles must be stored within the Owner's home,
8, There shall be no asserrbling or disassembling of motor
vehicles except for ordinary rna inten~nce as the changing of a tire,
batteryt eto,
9. Parents shall be responsible to the Association for any
property d~-~e to the Cc~nrr~n El errants caused by their children,
10, In addition to the foregoing, all Owners and lessees of
dwellings in Village of Coppell shall abide by the provisions of the
Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Villages of Coppell and
Incorporation and By-Laws of Villages of Coppell
the Articles of
Associtiont leo0
1 I, Screen
enclosures and accessory structures are prohibited
unless .~=~proved by the Archit~=tural Con.nitres0
shall be located at
(A Non-Profit Texa~ Corporation)
AhO LC)CATION; The name of the corporation is VILLAGES
The principal office of the corporation
, but meetings of rnerri:,ers
directors may be held at such places within the State of Texas as
be designated by the Board of Directors.
S~=ction 1:
"Association" shall mean and refer to Villages of
Coppell Association, Inc,, its successors and a~signs,
Section 2: "Corrrnon Elements" shall include within its meaning
the following: la) all real property owned by the Association for the
c~on use and enjoyment of the residential unit owners, which is not
included in the legal descriptions conveyed by the Declarant to such
ind vidual lot owners, (b) the property and installations required for
the furnishing of utilities and other services to more than one
residentiai unit owner or to tP~ common elements, (c) limited c~n
elements, as hereinafter defined which shall be conveyed to the
Association by the Declarant prior to or upon sale by Declarant of the
planned residential dwelling unitt and (d) tangible personal property
required for the maintenance and operation of the Association even
though owned by the Association,
Section S. "Limited Corm~on El errants" shall n~an those common
elerr~nts which are reserved for the use and enjoyment of individual
lot owners to the exclusion of other lot owners,
~ec:tior, 4. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to
Din~nsion/Brooks Corporation, a Texas corporation, its successors and
assigns Jf such successor or assigns should acquire more than one
undeveloped unit from Declarant for purposes of development.
Section 5, "Declaration" shall mean and refer to the
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, applicable to
the planned unit development and recorded in the Public Records of
Dallas County, Texas.
V i I I ages of Coppe I I By-L~ws
Page 2
~epternber t~, 1985
Section 6. "Lot" shall mean the legal metes and bounds
description of a single residential unit and appurtenances thereto
including the courtyard,
Section 7: "Member" shall mean and refer to any person
entitled to membership in the Association as provided in the
Section 8: "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner~
whether one or more persons or entities~ of the fee simple title to
any lot which is a part of the planned unit development,
.Section 9: "Planned unit development" shall mean the real
property herein before described in Exhibit A as attached to the
Articles of Incorporation and made a part hereto and the development
of said property for single family residential use under a homeowners
association for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value,
attractiveness and desirability of the units comprising such
development and shall include the real property described in Exhibit
"B" attached to the Articles of Incorporation upon the submission of
any portion of the real property described in Exhibit "B" by the
developer to the Declaration applicable to the development,
Section I: Ivleetings0 The meetings of mer~ers shall be held
within six (~) ~nths after ninety (90) percent of the lots have been
sold and conveyed by Declarant, Subsequent meetings of members shall
be held as prescribed by the Board of Directors,
Section 2: Special Meetings, Special meetings of merr~ers may be
called at any time by the present or by two (2) merr~ers of the Board
of Directors, or after seventy-five (75) percent of the lots have been
sold and conveyed upon written request of rnerrbers who are entitled to
vote one-half (1/2) of all votes of the men~ership,
Section 3: Notice of Ivleetings, Written notice of each meeting
of rner,~ers shall be given by~ or at the direction of, the secretary or
other person authorized to call the ~eeting, by ~niling a copy of such
notice~ postage prepaid~ at least fifteen (15) days, but not more than
thirty (3) days before such ~eting to each member entitled to vote
Villages of Coppell By-Laws
Page 3
Saptember 16, 1985
thereat, addressed to the ~=mber's address last appearing on the books
of the Association, or suppplied by such merrber to the Association for
purpose of receiving notice, Such notice shall specify the day, hour
and place of the meeting, ar~ in the case of a special meeting, the
purpose of the r, aeting,
Section 4: Quorum, The presence at th~ m~cting, in person or
by proxy~ of men. ers entitled to cast a majority of the votes of the
membership shall constitute a quorum for authorization of any action,
except as may otherwise be provided in the Declaration, the Articles
of Incorporation, or these By-Laws. If a quorum is not present at any
meeting, the n',ar~ers entitled to vote thereat shall have power to
adjourn the meeting from time to time, without notice other than
announc~r~nt at the meeting, until a quorum is present,
Section 5: Proxies, At all meetings of merr~ers, each merrber may
vote in person or by proxy, All proxies shall be in writing and filed
with the secretary, Proxies shall be revocable, and the proxy of any
owner shall automatically terminate on conveyance by him of his lot,
E~ction I: Number, The affairs of the Association shall be
managed by not less than three (3) or more than five (5) directors,
who need not be merr~ers of the Association,
Term of Office, Directors shall serve one (1)
· Section 2:
year terms,
Section 3:
Removal, Any director may be removed from the
Board, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the members of the
Association, In the event of death, resignation, or ren~val of a
director, his successor shall be selected by the remaining members of
the Board and shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor,
.Section 4: Compensation, No director shall receive
cor~¢ensation for any service he may render to the Association,
However, any Director may be reimbursed for his actual expenses
incurred in the performance of his duties,
V i i I ages of Coppe I I By-Laws
Po~je 5
.September 16, 1985
Section 1. Nomination. Nomination for election to the Board of
Directors shall be by a ~jority of directors whose is to expire,
--c~otion 2: Election, Election to the Board of Directors shall
be by written ballot, At such election, the merrbers or their proxies
may bastt in respect to each vacancy, as many votes as they are
entitled to exercise under the provisions of the Declaration, Persons
receiving the largest hunt, er of votes shall be elected. Cumulative
voting is not permitted,
~c~otion 1: Regular Meetings.
Directors shall be held
Regular r~etings of the Board of
, at such place and hour
act or decision of the Board,
Section 1:
Powers, The Board of Directors shall h~ve the power
a) Adopt and publish rules and regulations government the
use of the c~non elements and facilities including the personal
conduct or the merrt>ers and their guests thereon; and to establish
penalties for infractions of such rules and regulations,
b) Suspend the voting rights and right to use of the
recreational facilities of any member during any period in which such
n~rr~er is in default in the payment of any assessment levied by the
Associations, ~Jch rights may also be suspended after notice and
hearing, for a period not to exceed thirty (@) days for infraction of
published rulem ~ regul~tionl,
as ~y be fixed from ti~ to ti~ by resolution of the Board,
Section 2: Special Meetings, Special ~-,etings of the Board of
Directors shall be held when called by the President of the
Assc~=iationt or by any two directors, after not less than three (3)
days notice to each director,
Section 3: Quorum, A majority of the directors shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, Every act
performed or decision made by a majority of directors present at a
duly held ~eeting in which a quorum is present shall constitute the
V i I I ages of Coppe I I By-Laws
Page 5
September 16, 1985
c) Exercise on behalf of the AIIoc iationt all powerst
duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association and not
specifically reserved to the merrbership by the Declaration,
of Incorporation, or by other provisions of these By-Laws,
d) Employ a manager, independent contractor, and such
other errployees ad they may deem necessry~ and to prescribe their
Section 2: Duties, It shall be duty of the Board of Directors
a) Supervise all officers, guests, and employees of the
Association and see to it that their duties are property performed;
b) As more fully provided in the Dec larationt to=
1) Fix the amount of the annual assessment against
each unit in adviace of e~ch annual assessment period,
2) Send written notices of each assessment to every
owner subject thereto in advance of each assessment periodi and
3) Foreclose the lien against any property for which
assessments are not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date,
or to bring an action at law against the c~ner personally obligated to
pay the same,
c) Issue~ or cause an appropriate officer to issue on
derr~nd by any person, a certificate setting forth whether or not any
assessment has been paid. A statement in a certificate to the effect
that an assessment has been paid shall constitute conclusive evidence
of such payment0 The Board may impose a reasonable charge for the
issuance of these certificates,
d) Procure and maintain liability and hazard insurance on
all property owned by the Association.
e) Cause all officers or errployees having fiscal
responsibilities to be bonded~ as it may deem appropriate,
f) Cause the comrr~n elements to be maintained,
g) Retain management entity and prescribe their duties,
V i I I ages of Coppe I I By-L~ws
Page 6
September 16~ 1985
Section l: Enumeration of Offices, The officers of the
Association shall be a president and vice presJdent~ who shall at all
ti~es be ~bers of the Bc~rd of Directors~ and a secretary,
treasurer, and such other officers as the Board may from time to time
by resolution create,
Section 2: Election of Officers, The election of officers
shall take pl~oe at the first me. ting of the Board of Directors
following e~oh meeting of me~bers,
Section 3J Term, The officers of the Association shall be
elected annually by the Board, E~oh shall hold office for a term of
one (1) year unless he shall sooner resign~ or shall be removed or
otherwise be disqualified to serve,
Section 4: Special Appointments. The Board may elect such
other officers as the affairs of the Association may require~ each of
whom shall hold office for such period~ have such authority~ and
perform such duties as the Board rnayt from time to tirne~ determine,
Section 5: Resignation and Removal, Any officer ~y be
removed from office by the Board at any time with or without cause,
Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the
Board~ the President or the .~acretary, Such resignation shall take
effect on the date of receipt of such notice or at any later time
specified therein~ and unless otherwise specified therein~ the
acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it
Section 6: Vacancies, A vacancy in any office may be filled
by appointment of the Board, The officer appointed to such vacancy
shall serve for the unexpired term of the officer he replaces,
Section 7: Multiple Offices, The offices of secretary and
treasurer may be held by the same person, No person shall
si~ltanecusly hold more than one of any of the other offices~ except
in the case of special offices created pursuant to Section 4 of this
V i I I ages of Coppe I I By-La~s
P~je 7
Septerrber ~6, 1985
a) President:
of the Board of Direotors~
Duties. The duties of the officers are as
The president shall preside at all meetings
shall see than orders and resolutions of
the Board are carried out, and shall sign all leases, mortgages, deeds
and other instruments.
b) Vice President: The vice-president shall act in the
place of the president in the event of his absense, inability, or
refusaJ to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as
may be required of him by the Board.
c) Secretary: The secretary shall record the votes and
keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and of
the merr~ers, keep the corporate seal of the Association and affix it
to all pap. ers so requiring, serve notice of meetings of the Board to
members, keep appropriate current records showing the members of the
Association tog. ether with their addresses; and perform such other
duties as ~y be required by the Board or by law.
d) Treasurer: The treasurer shall receive and deposit in
appropriate bank accounts all funds of the Association, and shall
disburse such funds as directed by resolution of the Board of
Directors, shall sign all checks and promissory notes of the
Association, shall keep property books of the accounts, shall cause an
annual audit of the Association books to be made at the oompletion of
each fiscal year~ and shall prepare an annual budget and statement of
incorr~ and expenditures, a copy of which documents shall be delivered
to e~ch ~¢rber, and a report on which shall be given at the regular
meeting of the rnen~ers,
The Directors shall appoint an arcitectural committee, as
provided in the Declaration. In addition, the Board of Directors may
appoint such other con~ittees as it may deem appropriate in the
performance of its duties.
Villages of Coppell By-La~s
Page 8
As more fully provided in the Declaration, each n~=~r~er is
obligated to pay to the Association, annual and special assessments
which are secured by a continuing lien on the property against which
such assessments are made, All annual assessments shall be paid on an
equal monthly or quarterly basis as provided in the Declaration, Any
assessments not paid when due are considered delinquent, If an
assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date, the
assessment bears interest from the date of delinquency at the rate of
eighteen {18) percent per annum, and the Association may bring an
action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay the same,
or ~y foreclose the lien against his property, Interest, costs and
reasonable attorneys' fees of any such action shall be added to the
~ount of any assessment due,
liability for assessments by
abandonment of his lot,
No owner may waive or otherwise escape
non-use of the cofrre~n elements or
The books, records and papers of the Association shall be subject
to inspection by any member upon fifteen (15) days prioer written
notice, The Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, and By-Laws of
the Association shall be available for inspection by any mez~ber at the
principal office of the Association, where copies shall be made
available for sale at a reasonable price,
The Association shall have a seat in circular form having within
its circumference the words: VILLAGES C~c CCI=f=F]I KSSOCIATION, INC,
These By-Laws may be amended at a ragular or special r~eting of
n~-=mbers, by vote of majority of a quorum of men. ers present in person
or by proxy.
Villages of c°Ppell By-Laws
Page 9
Septer~ber t6, 1985
except that
The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year,
the first fiscal period shall begin on the date of
and shall end on Deoerr~er 31st of the year of
In care of any conflict between the Articles of Incorporation and
these By-Laws, the Articles shall control;
between the Declaration and these By-Laws,
in case of any conflict
the Declaration shall
Secretary President
I FEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day of
19__, before me personally appeared
and ~ President and Secretary
respectively, of Villages of Coppell Association, Inc, to me knows to
be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing BY-LA,CS CF
VILLAGES CF Cc.¢f=FII ASSOCIATION~ INC, and severally acknowledged the
execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for
the uses and purposes therein n~ntioned and that they affixed thereto
the official seal of said corporation and the said instrument is the
act and deed of said corporation,
WlThESS my signature and official seal at Dallas, in the County
of D~lla[ and State of Texas, the day and year last aforesaid,
My Cor~r, ission Expi res:
Notary Public
Villages of Coppell Declaration of Covenants
Page 14
part of this Declaration and shall not be bound in any way by the
terms and conditions herecf~ and said Additional Property is not
subject to any of the terms, conditions or covenants of this
Declaration and may be freely sold, conveyed~ assigned or otherwise
disposed of by the Developer free and clear of any terms~ conditions
or covenants of this Declaration,
Section l: Enforcement Declarant, the Association or any
owner shall have the right to enforce, by proceedings at law or in
equity, all restrictions, conditions~ covenants, easernents~
reservations, liens and charges now, or hereafter imposed by the
provisions of this Declaration, Failure by the Declarant, the
Association~ or by any owner to enforce any covenant or restriction
herein contained shall in no way even be deemed a waiver of the right
to do so thereafter,
.Section 2: Severability - Invalidation of any one of these
covenants or restrictions by judgement or court order shall in no way
effect any other provision~ which shall remain in full force and
Section 3: Amendments - Covenants and restrictions of this
Declaration may be ~nended by duly recording an instrument executed
and acknowledged by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members,
Notwithstanding the above, however~ the Declarant may have the
unrestricted right to amend the covenants and restrictions until such
ti~ as seventy-five (75) percent of the lots in the development are
sold~ and provided further~ that no arr~ndments shall be adopted
thereafter without the consent and approval of the Developer so long
as it shall own three (3) or more lots in the development,
.Section 4: Subordination - No breach of any of the conditions
herein contained or re-entry by reason of such breach, shall defeat or
render invalid the lien of any mortgage made in good faith and for
value as to the planned development or any lot therein, provided~
however, that such conditions shall be binding upon any owner whose
title is acquired by foreclosure~ trustee's sales or otherwise,
Villages of Coppell Declaration of Covenants,,,
September t6, 1985
Section 5: Architectural Control - Declarant
a) All plans for the landscaping of limited common
elements that abut streets and all plans or agreements relating to the
color to be used on the exterior of the structure, and for the
architectural plans, shall be approved in writing by the Association
and Developer, its s,~cessors or designated assigns. The Association
shall have the :~bsolute right to approve or disapprove said plans for
any reason, including asthetic considerations, Failure to disapprove
the plans within thirty (90) days will constitute automatic approval,
B. No owner shall in any way deface or change the color of
the exterior of his unit, unless approved in writing by the
Association. Exterior walls, roof and the fencing around the patio
are to be maintained by each owner in quality condition at all tin~es.
'Failure to maintain the unit in such manner will result in a thirty
(90) day notice to the owner from the Association setting forth the
items to be corrected. In the event the notice is not adhered to, the
Association may contract to have such work performed and the owner
will be charged for the invoices delivered by such contractors,
together with any reasonable costs to the Association,
Association shall have the right to file a lien for
such charges, in which event,
attorneys' fees and costs,
.?ection 6: Amendment
the owner shall be
non-payment of
responsible for
and Ivlodifications by Declarant
Notwithstanding any provisions of these restrictions to the contrary,
Developer, its successors and designated assigns, reserves the right
and authority at its sold discretion , for a period of five (5) years
frc~r~ the date of recording of these restrictions or until all lots are
sold to amend, modify or grant exceptions or variances for any use of
the restrictions set forth herein without any liability therefore to
owners or other lots in the development, or any other person or
entity, whether private or governmental, Any assignment of right
hereunder by Developer ~y be total or partial, exclusive or non-
Section 7: Duration - The Covenants and Restrictions of this
Delcaration shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to the
Vi I lages of Coppel I Deolarat ion of Covenants,
Page 16
Septer,'i:)er 16, 1985
benefit of and be enforceable by the Association or any merrber thereof
for a period of twenty (20) years from the date hereof. Thereafter,
they shall be 8utofr~tically extended for additional periods of twenty
(20) years unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the then owners of
at le~t two-thirds (2/3) of the planned development's lots.
Section 8: Covenants Run with the Land All restrictions~
reservations, ¢ovenants~ conditions and easements contained in this
Declaration shall constitute covenants running with the land, and all
grantees, devisees~ or ~rtgag_ees~ their hiers, personal
representatives~ successors and assigns, and ail parties claiming by,
through or under such persons, agree to be bound by the provisions of
(a) this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions~ and
(b) the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association which
will be the entity responsible for the operation and n~intenanoe of
the oc~"~n property,
Section 9: Owner's Liability and Casualty Insurance - Property
and casualty insurance on each units structure shall be maintained by
described in
10: Title to Common El~r~nts - The comr¢~n elements
Exhibit "C'° through shall be conveyed by the
Developer to the Association at or before the date when the Developer
conveys the last lot located with the Exhibit "A", The corrcnon
elen,~nts are described -upon Exhibit "C" through __which is
a(tached hereto and made a part hereof, Thereafter, additional common
e.lerr~nts n~ay be added by the Developer by conveyance by the Developer
to the Association; said additional corr¢~,n el erc~nts shall be subject
to conditions of this Deo laration~ and such ~rrendments filed pursuant
Section 11:
provision herein
- Developer's Reserved Rights h~twithstanding any
to the contrary, the eas~rJents created under this
Article 4 or this Article shall be subject to:
a) The right of the Developer to execute alt documents and
take such actions and do such acts affecting the Properties which, in
the Developer's sole discretion, are desirable or necessary to
facilitate the Developer's General Plan of Development, or the ectual
Vi I lages of Coppel I Deo. larat ion of Covenants,,,,
Page 17
September 16, 1985
or development of the Properties, or the Additional
Easements of record on the date hereof and any
easements which may hereafter be granted by Developer to any public or
private utilities or governmental bodies for the installation and
~aintenance of electrical and telephone conduit and lines, gas pipes,
sewers or water pipes, or any other utility services serving any unit
within the Properties or in the Additional Properties or any portion
of the common el errants,
c) The Developer shall have full rights of ingress and
egress to and through, over and about the common elements during such
period of ti~ as the Developer is engaged in a construction or
improvement of work on or within the Properties, or the Additional
Properties, and sba I further have an easement for the purpose of the
storage of materials, vehicles, tools, equipment, etc., which are
being utilized in such development or construction.
Section 12: It is comter~Dlated that the proposed development
including the additional properties may include the construction of
various structure types and the units so constructed may be owned in
various forms of land ownership as are permitted by the Laws of the
State of Texas.
IN WI~ kHEFIEOF, this Delcaration has been executed by
the Developer herein at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, on this
day of , 19 __,