Vly R Pl LB/FP-DR 880927~e,:iew of: Valley RanCh Plaza Addition Pad H/Fire Department 9/27/88 TIRE 300 1. Fire hydrants required ever)' BBB feet. (X) ' Must ~rovide an al~ weather driving surface on not 2ess than 2~ feet of unobstructed w~drh, with adequate roadway tur~ing radius capable of sugporti~g the impose~ loads of fire apparatus before construction begins. ~-' ~ire hydrants and ware: system must be operational before construction begins. (X} A. The access :oa&w~?: shall be ex:ended :o withi~ 150 feet of al! portions of the e~terior walls of the firs: story of any buildinE. (X) 5. Uniform Fire Co&e, 198~ is ag~licabie. ( ) 6. ~reliminary/Final ~lat(s) is/are acceptable. ( ) 7. ~lat is deuie&. ( ) ~. ~e~er to ~.._~._.probiem with movin Fire Lan 7 co1~znen=S.