Vly R Pl LB/FP-CS 880912JAMES D. HANNON, P.E. WISIT U. PONGSA, P.E. STEVEN W. BURNS Taryon Bowman - Planning S Zoning Coordinator Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Tx. 7B019 Re: Pad "H" - Valley Ranch Plaza - Coppell, Tx. Dear Ms. Bowman: ENGINEERING ANALYSTS, INC. C~VIL AND STRUCTURAL EN(~INEER$ 107 W. RANDOL MILL Ro., SurrE 110 ARLINGTON, TX 76011 M~RO: (817) 265-4267 September 12, 1988 // ?' i/ This letter is being Forwarded to you in confirmation oF our telephone conversation this afternoon regarding the development oF the referenced property. As I stated we have a conflict with the location oF the Fire lane in its present position and would like to present an alternate routing. Please refer to the enclosed sketch prepared by our office to illustrate the proposed change. As you can see, we are simply asking that the lane be moved to the east approximately 7 to B Feet as it runs across this piece oF property. This will allow enough room to construct the building that is being planned For this location. We have already contacted Mr. Troy Glidewell oF the Coppell Fire Depart- ment and Mr. Kahn oF Albert H. HalFF Engineers For their input. Neither oF these individuals could Foresee any problems with the proposal. Please review the inFormation and see that it is properly channelled so that we can make the appropriate steps to Formalize the change. Thank you For giving this matter your immediate attention. Very truly yours, Engineering Analysts, James O. Harmon, P.E.F