Vlg at CC S2/PP-CS 920219Jim ISOwell Comp~n~ 460B C01e Avo~ue, ~lllas. Texas 76~5-3S~3 2~ 4'6~.3739 SAX: ~1 ~/620-0347 February 19, 1992 Dtmctor of Plann~n6 end Community D~velopment City of 255 Parkway Co~II, ~ 7~019 RE: Zoning and Preliminary Plat r~uests on a 44.5 acre tract of land located at the. southeast comer of' Coppell Road and Parkway Boulevard, within the City Limits of Coppell, Texas. Dear Mr, $ieb: In an effort to accommodate a more suitable land use and development plan for the above referenced property, it is our wish that the CoppeU Planning and Zoning Commission itllow us to withdraw our current tequcst tot rezoning. Also, it is our deitte that the Planning and Zoning Commission deny the aocomp~ying preliminar~ plat, It is our intent to submit a new request for zoning and preliminary plat for review by the Cor4:ell Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting to be held on March 19, 1~2. We hope the new submittals will be viewed ks a positive approach to land use planning for this area. It' you hav~ any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, IS/bm