Vlg at CC S2/PP-CS 920415"~ The City With A Beautiful Future
April 15, 1992
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
Mr. Jim Sowell
Jim Sowell Construction Company
4809 Cole Avenue
Suite #250
Dallas, Texas 75205
Dear Mr. Sowell:
This letter is to inform you that your request for approval of a partial
replat of Village @ Cottonwood Creek, Phase II, was approved by a vote of
(5-1) by the Coppell City Council on April 14, 1992, with the following
1) that there be a 6' masonry wall dlong Parkway, according to the site
2) landscaping as proposed be included on all cul-de-sacs,
3) landscaping along Parkway, as proposed,
4) wood fence be as defined,
5) minimum house size of 1800 square feet on area basically zoned SF-7,
2000 square feet on area basically zoned SF-9, and 2200 square feet
on lots abutting the creek,
6) that a homeowners association be formed to maintain all common areas,
7) minimum street radius be no less than 200',
8) maximum block length not to exceed 1600',
9) that lots 10-16 in Block C be excluded from the alley requirement,
10) that a maximum cul-de-sac length of 650' be allowed, and
11) minimum finished floor elevations on lots 11-17 in Block C be shown
on the face of the plat
Please amend your replat to
folded 24' X 36" blueline copies
copies to Taryon Bowman.
of the
the above conditions and return 2
replat, along with 3 reduced
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at
(214) 462-0639.
irec~or of Planning & Community Services
xt: Taryon Bowman, ?&Z Coordinator
Greg Jones, Building Inspector