Vlg at CC S4/FP-CS 920727LINDA $~I~/ZLL July 27, 1992 THE NELSON CORPORATION PLANNING * ~.NGINE~ING · SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHrI'ECIWJRE · CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 5999 SUMMERSIDE DRIV~ * SUITE ~0~ DALLAS, TEXAS (il4) FAX (~14) Mr. ~ Sieb Director of pl~nn{n§ and Community Development City of Coppell 2~ Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 7~019 BRIAN MARCUS, P.E., R.P.L.S. PV. ESIDgNT CRAIG T. CURP, Y ~ ~ PmID~qT Vill~e of Cottonwood Creek IV NC292005 Dear Mr. Sieb: Please find enclosed an executed Homeowners Agreement for the above referenced development. We have changed the notification period in this agreement from ten (10) days to thirty (30) days in order to allow adequate time to perform any maintenance obligations that the City of Coppell may find to be deficient. We are continuing to work on the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for this property, and we will keep you informed as to our progress. Please call if you require any additional information. Sincerely, -~ON CORPORATION ,Jim Sowe~,i Consrruction_C.q..,.._In~_~c .... is the owner of S~qr'.',;: ex~s, being oescribed ce the 2lot attac~e~ here;o aec .~afle a p~rc herec, f an~ ~ So~-~2 Const~oction Co JD_~ wan;s t¢ es~a~'isn reasonable owlpg res%r'ic;~ons are ~,ace~ or, eve-y lot one are ma~ a :art ¢~ every Ceec. ~:~,~n.. ~,'ow;ng .,'"cs, when used in this statemen; of restrictions ~.:: ~'~ es~ ;ne c~..text ~nal~ clearly indicate otherwise~ have the following ~ .~S~ o¢ i a= ~ on" ~ ~ n s the Vi~ at Cot~on~ C~k IV '-. ',i~ ' ~': :~ 50{ ~g,7 ~Or,, ..... ~.Q.~..mon are~" ',-~?ens e~l of the proper~y designateC as e common l~r, osca~eo -'~ c-~.. ~q~ ~l~ mrt~che~ ~s "ExhiDi% A" and includes ali screening walls ''~' CU~,'!'~'~ Ri[~.~, a~joining .'.he subdivision for which this documen _.r. zl/'~ ~ .~s means :ne numbere~ ~ots as shown on the ARTiCLE~!I Association: Crea~ion~ Membership~ ,B~laws P. 3...'"6 ec~oq i The Association sh~ll be fOrme~ as a non-profit corpora%ion in ~ccorc~nce wiith ne laws of ~he St~e of Texa~. ,Sectio:~ 2. All owners shall automatically become members of the Association. ~ember~ ~i¢~i~ the Association is limite0 to t~e owners, 5ecti(~ 3. The Association may adopt by-laws that reasonably regulate the organization~and operation of t~e Association. ~: ~;~ ARTICLE III ~. , Use aha Man~e~e__~...n: of Common Areas ~ection) I, Each owner shall have the nonexclusive rtg~t of enjo~ent an0 use of thj comJ~[ areas. This ri ght is an easement an~ passes with the title to every ~;~ection 2. The Association shall maintain, reoair, and restore alt common areas.:~ The Association shall levy an assessment upon each lot on a pro rata basis for al cos:~s}connecteO with the maintenance o6 the common areas, :;: ection}~3. Each assessment is the personal obligation of the owner of each lot at th~ time ~hen the a~sessment is Uue. The a~e~ment together with interest anO co 1 ction incluUing reasonable attorney's fees sh~ll be a lien on the lot and on alt i~rovements on the lot. ARTICLE IV R_~hts of the City The City shall have the right, to perform the maintenance ,,;ect ior/ 1. obiigj ions Of the Association i¢ the Association fails to reasonably perform its ma',rite ante{' l~9a--~,~ns, and the Association fails to reasonably perform its m~nten ~ce · .,,- itt en Pt i c It S. :~ ri g~t faii ure s have ti :~ema nd s, suit, ~i F'. 4"6 tgations within th~-1~(30) clays after receipt by the Association of from the City stating the qq-ature" and extent of the Association's rain common areas, Upon assuming the maintenance o:ligation, the City may collect ~ll ity When the City assumes the maintenance oDiigation, the C snail of access to m~intain the common area~. The Association shall a~j hold the City harmless from any and all costs, expenses, suits, !Ja~i~!~'~r~" ities, Oamages, or otherwise incluOing attorney's fees and costs of connection with the City maintaining the common areas. etlon i4. When the City assumes the maintenance obligation, the Association shall mainten duties of its ,; succeS! the ac Deed R, Zoning a~ree~ SU~rO ?pt co iect any assessments, an~ shall have no authority to perform ce~)ligations. The Association may collect assessments an: resume ~lin~ .rain the common areas when it presents to the City suDstantl~i evidence ness and ability t~ resume its maintenance o~ligations, A~, ~L~ Our."ti on i "%' ,wen,y-~i ve .~ct oe'~.. These restriction~ shall ~e binding for a perio~ of a~s f~:om t~e date of this agreement and shall automatically ~e extende~ for ive te~ (!0) year periods unless a ~itten instrument vacating or mooi~yin~ eemen~is signed by the Mayor an~ all owners, and fii,d in the :ord~t the owners' expense. ection:~ 2. The Coppell City Council after recommendation by t~e Piannin~ C~mi~sion~ m~y by resolution *~le~ in the DeeO RecorCs terminate :his nt ~:: the Council finds physical conditions of tn~ property ~nd the ng area nave substantially changed ~o warrant the termination agreen before Counc United C~ty ~ It. ~he Mayor shall give notice to each owner not less than ten (10} Oays the {ate set for %he Planning anti Zoning Commission hearing tnct the City hearlng by Oepositlng the notice property actclressed anU postage paid in =he State~ Post Office to each owner as tiqe ownership appears on the last approved x RollI. ON TM;S J/_ Gay of ~wner ~UL 14 '.9;:' 10:45 ACKNOWLEDGE~E. NT$ P. 6/6 A.-tic3e :6602, V,A,C.S., enumerates the persons before whom acknowledgements of proofs )nay be made. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY i~OFD '~ (1) Single Acknowl~dQement ~fore me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ?;- ,~ , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the ")o~egoing;'(nstrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and Consideration therein expressed. G,iven under my hand and seal of office on this__day of , iiotary Public-i'n and for County, Texas (2) Corporat~ AcknoWledgement THE ST [XAS name capet i !~e, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ~ , a co ; known to me to be the pars'on whose going instrument, and acknowledged to me that he same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the ~in stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. )der my hand and seal of office on this.qlSTdaY of County, Texas