Vlgs of C P2/Re-CS 910130FAX
-..- ,., FROM: DAN HYBEL
TO:(:',-1( ,./ ~:,'?', ,.'
ATTN: ~/';'./(.~,',., /_ ,',~ ,. .,.,v ?i/ i,.(., TITLE:
Please receive ( ) pages including this cover sheet.
If not propedy received, please telephone or telex immediately.
January 18, 1990
Coppell Manal~ement Association
4835 LBJ Freeway
Suite 600 L,§,SO
Dallas, Texas 75244
Attention; AnnCzarnecki
Subject: Cha!font Common Access Easement Abandonment
Enclosure: Formal Request for Abandonmenl Dated January 2, lggl
Dear Ms. Czarnecki'
Please provide a written recommendation concerning the Chalfont
common access easemen/,abandonment. Your input will be
forwarded to the Development Review Committee for consideration
on January :3 t, 1991.
Your written report will also be presented at the planning and zoning
meeting,on February 21, 1991 as well as the city council hearing on
March 12, 1991.
Your assistance in researching this matter has been appreciated.
839 Chalfont Place
Coppel1~ Texss 750
10:59 0~
January 29, 1991
Mr. D~n$. Hybel
839 ¢~alfonu place
Coppell, TX 750i9
Re~, Cc~on A¢¢ess/Ut!li~y E~ement
Dea~ Mr. Hybel:
with respect to the proposed abandonment of the C<m~n ACCess ar~ utility
Easement located at th~ rear of Lot 11 and 18-90, Block E, in the villages of
C~ppell Phase Ii, the Boated of DirectOr~ of the Lake~ of Coppell Owners'
ASSociation asked me to a~vi%e you a.~ follows:
1. ~ne ab~,io~nent of %he referen¢:~d easement w~uld ~)t violate any rules
or regulations of the Lake8 o£ Coppel t k~sociation.
2. Tam Lakes of Coppell O~ers' AssO¢iat~on ~oa~d of Pi~'ec~o~s and
Architectural Review C0n~ttee have no objection to the ab~nt Of
the refeuence~ easement.
3. ~ne AsSociation does have r~]uir~]mnts eoncernin9 maintenance o£
estates! the duty of maintenance is ultimately the re~pons]bility of
the estate owner.
please call me if you have any questior~.
Ann M. Czarnecki
Architectural Review Coordinator'
for the Board of Directors