Vlgs of C P3/PP-DR 900329DRC DATE: 3/29/90 REVIEW OF: CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION Shohre D~,.neshmand, Phone_~ 462-8495 PRELIMINARY PI~T AND PLA~;S: 3) Please make the following additions and/or corrections to the preliminary plat, a~ marked: The names and zoning of adjacent properties, names on record of owner's of adjoining parcels. ~/ The location, Widths and names of all existing and proposed stree~,~s, easements, fire lanes or other public ways within or adjacent 'to the .tract. - Existing and proposed zoning of the site and the surrounding pr~',perties. Topography of the site (intervals of 5 feet or ].ess, referred to se~ level datum). Per Floodplain ~[anage~ent Ordinance #87390, (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4, Page 34), all subdivision proposals must have the following ,%ote placed on the preliminary and final plats. ' "Floodplain De',elopment Permit Application No. has been flle.~ with ~he City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator ~n ., 19 . 6) 1) (Floodplain Administrator) (Date) - No Comment. The following info ?marion, as marked, is required to be contained in the pr~,liminary engineering plans. - Submit prelimi]~ary engineering plans. - The plans sha~ll show existing structures, utilities, sewers, water ~:~ains, culverts, power poles, 'telephone Page 1/2 3) lines, gas lines, and other underground structures wi'thin the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes and loca'~ions. Provide dimension controls for all utilities and .~,ight-of-ways. On appropriate plans, provide a legend identifying the utilities, suc}~ as water, sewer, gas line, storm sewer ...etc 4) Preliminary p].v. ns of proposed water distributio~ system . . . sewage collection system and their relation to the existin0 utilities in the area, and to the Utility Master Plan. 5) Provide a Drain!age Area Map, covering two parts: a) show On-s:i. te Drainage Mat), on a scale of 1'°=20' , 40', 50.,, etc. . .; with all details as required in the Sub~iv'ision Ordinance. 6) - 7) - 0) - b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on · a scale 'of 1"=100', 20~', etc~. '. Delineate the project's boundary o- it, plus the less detailed drainage system, t.) clearly demonstrate the affect of such activitie~, drainage outfalls, on the adjacent propertie~ and the Drainage Master Plan. If the applic.'lnt is requesting' any variance to the Subdivision O]'dinance, he/she must submit a letter specifically c~tlining his respective requests. This letter shall b,~ submitted along with corrected plan. Show the bourdaries of the 100-year Floodplain and Floodway clear(y on the preliminary and final plats. Ail above comm~nts must be addressed, prior to staff's recommendation for approval of the preliminary pla't and plans. 9) - Provide a .wr{.tten response on ali. comments, with explanations pi ovided on items not addressed as requested above.. , /. ,..Z~ . ~. ~w ~,~ ~dd,: t.'o~ ' :' ' ~ ' ~ ' 'x~ ~',t~'~ ~{w~,;,~ ~'( ~' ~.~ I"?r~ . 't' ' '/" ' ' ~' ' z. ~.'.e -'l"i-~-.,~>'t) ~o o,, ~,~ 'l'c. .(~- -i),",, :~,~z p~ J ,'. -~ DRC/COMMENTS/ENO/PRELIM Page 2/2