Vlgs of C P3/PP-CS 900402DON A TIPTON, INC. April 2, 1990 Ms Taryon Bowman, Dir. of Planning CITY OF COPPELL 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ENGINEERING · SURVEYING · PLANNING 6330 Belt Line Road Suite C GARLAND, TEXAS 75043 3344 (214) 226-2967 RE: VILLAGES OF COPPELL, PHASE III Coppell, Texas Dear Ms. Bowman: Please find listed below the response to the DRC meeting of Thursday March 29, 1990 and the review letter from Ginn Inc. of Friday March 30, 1990: I. PRELIMINARY PLAT: 1. We have corrected and added all the names and zoning of adjacent properties. 2. We have added the location, widths, and names existing and proposed streets and easements. of all 3. We have added the floodplain development permit note. 4. We have added all the preliminary easements required by T.U. Electric, General Telephone, and the City of the Coppell. 5. We have added to the plat all the proposed variances to the sub-division regulations. 6. We will request a variance to the minimum street center line curve radius of 425 feet in order to allow for flexibility of placement of the roadway parallel to the existing floodplain and tree masses. 7. We have included all the plat. the corner visibility clips on Ms Taryon Bowman April 2, 1990 Page 2 II. PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER: 1. We have shown the existing water line in Deforest Drive. 2. We will adhere to the minimum design requirements of the sub-division regulations in regard to the sanitary sewer. III. DRAINAGE: 1. The offsite drainage to the north flows towards our property in a south easterly manner and is currently designated to lie within the 100 year floodplain as determined by the current City of Coppell drainage study of Denton Creek Drainage Basin. The drainage area discharges at our north eastern property corner. We will provide the appropriate drainage easement to accommodate for that particular discharge. At the time of final platting a detailed hydraulic study will be provided to determine the exact location of the proposed drainage easements. 2. It is our understanding the floodplain study of Denton Creek Basin is being finalized with the City of Coppell and its consultant, Kimley-Horn and the said study will be approved by city council in the near future. 3. We have utilized TP-40, 10 minute TC for runoff calculations. This concludes our response to the review comments, please find enclosed four (4) revised sets of preliminary engineering and six (6) prints of the preliminary plat. If you have any questions regarding this project, please call. Sincerely, Executive Vice President PA/df encls. cc: Ms. Shohre Daneshmond, P.E./City of Coppell