Trinity Shores/FP-PN020429DALLAS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK EARL BULLOC .K PLAT MAP REC~ORDING SHEET ~, .: " 04129102 ~aps ~a6.oo.' INSTRUMENT # FILE DATE .Any provision herein which restricts the sale, rental, or described real property because of color or race unenforceable under federal law. STATE OF TEXAS C*OUNTY OF DALLA~ I hereby certify this instrument was flied on the date and time stamped hereon by me and was duly recorded In the volume aria Rage of the named records of Dallas County, Te~ll lie stampml ereon by ma. ~ ~9 ZOOZ COUNTY CLERK, Dallas County', Teal 2m20 8 3.0 0 0 2 8 ' VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED PLAT MAP" "-