Vlg at CC S5/PP-DR 960425 (5)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: ViRage at Cottonwood Creek, ~ection V, Pre'luminary Plat, at the r~quest of ~ton Engineering, Inc. DRC DATE: Apra 25, 1996 and May 2, 1996 CONTACT: Gary D. $~ns, l~rtctor of Ldsu~ $trvic~ 004-3560) COMMENT STATUS: ~PRRLIMINARY tzgMA~ ~ The Leisure Services Department has reviewed the above referenced development and has the following comments. Signed and sealed Irrigation Plans as identified in the Subdivision Ordinance are required. e Irrigation controllers identified are to have the following: Rain Sensor Freeze Protection device Surge Protector Signed and sealed landscape plans as identified in the Subdivision Ordinance are required. Any work which affects city maintained rights of way, parkways, or medians needs to be identified and coordinated through the Leisure Services Superintendent (304-3554). The proposed subdivision will need to comply with the streetscape plan, identified in the Subdivision Ordinance. This includes entry improvements along Sandy Lake Road. The proposed development is identified in the Trails System Master Plan as a part of the Denton Creek Trail. The proposed trail alignment appears to be acceptable, however there needs to be clarification of areas where there are outflow structures that would break up the trail system along the levy. Please contact the Leisure Services Department at $04-$541. The proposed development will be required to follow the guidelines as established in the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. This proposed development is located in Park Zone 2. A fee of $1,285 per dwelling unit will be required at the time of final plat approval. Should there be any questions by comm. Ln_~e members or representatives of the proposed development regarding these comments, please feel free to contact Rick Wi, land at 304 -3553, or Gary Sims at 304 -3560. GDS/rsw DRC425.96E