Vlg at CC S5/PP-DR 960425 (7)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: ~,_e at Cottonwood Creeki Section Ir. Prdimina~_ Plat. to allow the development of a 58 lot residential subdivision on 16.8 acres of, property, located at the northeast comer of Sandy Lake Road an Coppell Road a the request of ~'tpton Engineering, Inc. DRC DATE: April 25, 1996 and May 2, 1996 CONTACT: srd~e Martin, E. L T., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: p~,=,~'.....,......... ,,~,~TA,..... ov ,/'FINAL P,:FJIt'ffv~ ** You should investigate the possibility of turning the alley back between lots 1 and 2, Block A to intersect with Bricknell Lane. This would eliminate a situation where you have a street, an alley and a street all intersecting a collector street within 250 foot of each other. The City's experience with situations like this is they create havoc with traffic, especially with the school to the east of this property. The entire off-site drainage basin should be shown. The correct visibility easements should be provided for all entrance points onto Coppell and Sandy Lake Road and Minyard Drive. These are informational comments and should have no bearing on the approval of the plat: 4. There is a good potential that you will have some street flooding associated with drainage design; however, those issues will be addressed during the review of the construction pi_ann. 5. All information concerning this site will be required to be submitted to the City on computer diskette compatible with the City's computer system. Please contact Doug Steven at 304-3683 to obtain additional information. 6. Impact fees will be required.