Vlg at CC S5/PP-AG 960611Tha City With A [~eau~iful Fulurg CITY COUNCIL MEETING: AGENDA REQUEST FORM June 11, 1996 ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of Villaqe at Cottonwood Creek, Section V, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 58-1ot single-family residential subdivision on 16.8 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Sandy Lake and Coppell Roads. APPROVED BY Ci-~'Y COUNCIL DATE _ ~ -//-~,4 _ SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning and Comm. Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: May 16, 1996 Decision of Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, McCaffrey, Cruse, Reyher and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. -INITIALS~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION EXPLANATION: Approval subject to: Approval ~ Denial (1) Departmental comments (attached). (2) The set back on Lot 26, Block A, be noted as 25 feet. BUDGET AMT. FINANCIAL COMMENTS4~ FINANCIAL REVIEW-~/ Agenda Requ(~t Form - Revised 1/94 ' Put "goldenrod" ~l~r in p~m~- AMT. EST.$ +/- BUD:G CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name pzvill~c$.DD AGENDA REQUEST NARRATIVE VILLAGE AT COTTONWOOD CREEKt SECTION 5t PRELIMINARY PLAT Conditions for approval: Compliance with Engineering comments 1. as follows: You should investigate the possibility of turning the alley back between lots 1 and 2, Block A to intersect with Bricknell Lane. This would eliminate a situation where you have a street, an alley and a street all intersecting a collector street within 250 foot of each other. The City's experience with situations like this is they create havoc with traffic, especially with the school to the east of this property. The entire off-site drainage basin should be shown. The correct visibility easements should be provided for all entrance points onto Coppell and Sandy Lake Road and Minyard Drive. These are informational comments and should have no bearing on the approval of the plat: 4. There is a good potential that you will have some street flooding associated with this drainage design; however, those issues will be addressed during the review of the construction plans. 5. All information concerning this site will be required to be submitted to the City on computer diskette compatible with the City's computer system. Please contact Doug Steven at 304-3683 to obtain additional information. 6. Impact fees will be required. Compliance with Leisure Services comments as follows: 1. Signed and sealed Irrigation Plans as identified in the Subdivision Ordinance are retluired. 2. Irrigation controllers identified are to have the following: Rain Sensor Freeze Protection device Surge Protector 3. Signed and sealed landscape plans as identified in the Subdivision Ordinance are required. 4. Any work which affects city maintainet~ rights of way, parkways, or medians needs to be identified and coordinated through the Leisure Services Superintendent 004-3554). 5. The proposed subdivision will need to comply with the streetsctme vlan. identO~d in the Subdivision Ordinance. This includes entry improvements along Sandy Lake Road. 6. The proposed develol~ment Is identified tn the 2¥ails System Master Plan as a part of the Denton Creek Trail. The t~roposed trail alignment appears to be acceptable, however there needs to be clarification of areas where there are out flow structures that would break up the trail system along the levy. Please contact the Leisure Services Department at 304.$541. 7. The proposed development will be required to follow the guidelines as established in the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. This vrotmsed develol~ment is located in Park Zone 2. A fee of $1,285 per dwelling unit will be required at the time of final plat approval. of requests. Councilmember Sturges moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Resolution No. 061196.1 with the following amendments: 1) a definition for "building" to be "municipal buildings in operational use excluding storage facilities" be placed in the resolution; 2) Section H-E-2 the word "suggested" be stricken and read "... the charge is $.12...'; 3) Section H-N-1 shall be amended to show the charge for video tapes to be $10.00 for each tape without regard to duration. Councilmember Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Mayo and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Tunnell, and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. 15. Consider approval of a Resolution establishing procedures and cost of providing Public Information, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. This item was considered under Item 14. See Item 14 for minutes. Item 18 was considered at this time. 16. Consider approval of the Summit at the Springs, Pre 'luninary Plat, to allow the development of a 70-lot planned development, single-family residential subdivision on 29.88 acres of property located on the south side of Bethel Road, approximately 500' west of Denton Tap Road. Gary $ieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Council made inquiries and asked for clarification at to the exact boundaries of this property. Councilmember Robertson moved to approve Summit at the Springs, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 70-lot planned development, single-family residential subdivision on 29.88 acres of property located on the south side of Bethel Road, approximately 500' west of Denton Tap Road and that the Planning and Zoning Commission be the final authority on the final plat. Mayor Pro Tem Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Mayo and Councilmember~ Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Tunnell, and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. 17. Consider approval of Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section V, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 58-1ot single-family residential subdivision on 16.8 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Sandy Lake and Coppell Roads. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Tunnell inquired as to the airport noise issue and the Applicant indicated he would put the standard notice on the face of the plat. Pat Atldns, representing Grand Homes, ad~ the Council regarding alley and traffic concerns. Councilmember Tunnell expressed her concerns to the City Engineer regarding the street flooding issue. Ken Griffin, Assistant City Manager/City Engineer, addressed the flooding issue and stated any problems would be resolved before constructions plans would be approved. Mr. Griffin also indicated that 13 notification letters had been sent regarding the alley issue and only two responses were received; however he would recommend that the alley be turned back into the subdivision. Councilmember Alexander moved to approve Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section V, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 58-1ot single-family residential subdivision on 16.8 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Sandy lake and Coppell Roads with the CM~IL~ conditions as stated on the Agenda Request Narrative including Item 1 under Engineering Comments, requiring the alley to mm back into the subdivision, and excluding Item 6 under Leisure Services comments and that the notice concerning the airport noise be place on the face of the plat and that this plat come back to Council for final approval. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Mayo and Coun¢ilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Tunnell, and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. At this time Item 14 was considered. See Item 14 for minutes. 18. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session. There was no action necessary from the Executive Session. 19. City Manager's Report. A. City Manager lira Witt addressed Council concerning a letter from the Exchange Club asking for a waiver of fees for the luly 4th Parade which he recommended they waive. Consensus of Council was to waive the fees. City Manager Jim Witt discussed the _recent malfunction with the water service. City Manager lira Witt announced that the work session would be held on lune 18th as applications have been received for the Economic Development Corporation. City Manager lim Witt advised that Mike Martin, Assistant City Engineer, would be married on May 24, 1997. City Manager Jim Witt suggested that everyone read the book entitled Death of Common Sense. Mayor's Report. Mayor Morton announced that the annual Council photograph would be taken on the night of the June 25th Council meeting. Mayor Morton asked Council to return their Code Books so they could be updated. Mayor Morton asked Council to familiarize themselves with the process schedule for the appointments of Boards/Commissions/Committees members. Mayor Morton discussed a l~er regarding rights-of-way litigation with the FCC. Mayor Morton advised that one of the requirements of the Paragon Cable franchise was that they must maintain an office in the City of Coppell. He stated a letter had been received from Lance Lamberton stating the Coppell office would be closed. De CM~11~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING~ AGENDA REQUEST FORM June 11, 1996 ITEM ITEM CAPTIONs Consideration and approval of Villaqe at Cottonwood Creek, Section V. Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 58-1ot single-family residential subdivision on 16.8 acres of property located at the northeast SUBMITTED BY: TITLE: STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: May 16, 1996 Decision of Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, McCaffrey, Cruse, Reyher and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. corner of Sandy Lake and Coppell Roads. Gary L. Sieb Service~ Director of Planning and Comm. STAFF RECOMMENDATION EXPLANATION: Approval subject to: Approval ~ Denial (1) Departmental comments (attached). (2) The set back on Lot 26, Block A, 'be noted as 25 feet. ~I~FF WOULD SUGGEST THAT COUNCIL TAKE A 3/4 VOTE TO ALLOW THE P&Z COMMISSION TO BE THE FINAL 'AUTHORITY ON THE FINAL PLAT WHEN IT IS PRESENTED. Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 Put 'so~l' ~r m prior ~ Document Nan~ ~