Vlg at CC S5/FP-DR 960725 City of Coppell LEI~UI~ SERVICES DItVELOPM~NT I~VIISW CO~~E COMME~S for ~u~day, July 25, 1~6 ~d ~m~day~ Au~ 1~ 1~6 1:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. ~..-.1112: Day Care Facility. in contunctlon with an existing Slngl_e Family residence, no comment. 5.-.1113. Church oft_he Apostles. Eplsco_md, A cut for a left turn lane will be ne~l~d Please contact 304-3554 tmfore initiating the median cut, This proporty borders D~nton Creek trail. Applicant should be aware of the City's Hike/Bike Trail Master plan and th©|r required participation in the construction 12 ft. wide concrete hike/bik~ as indicated on trail plan and required by ordinance. S-1114. Paptl John's Pi~_~,a~ Plans call for a left turn lane. Pl~as~ con~act I~isum Scrvic~ at 304-3554 to coordinat~ construction within city m~iians. The ~ontra~tor will b~ responsible for all repairs to city medians, land~cap~, and irrigation systems. This location will be impacted by the City of Coppell on-road bilc~ route, as indicated in the city's Hike/Bike Trail Master plan. Vistas of Coppell. Phase I. Prelimin~_ Plat, applicant will be roquired to construct a 12 ft. wide concret~ hike/bike trail as indicated in City of Coppell HikedBike trail ma~ter plan l~r previous agreement with City Council. The Moore street extension will also be impacted by an on-road bike route as indicated on the city's Hike and Bike Master plan. Vistas of Coppell: Phase II. Preliminary ,,plat. applicant will be required to construct a 12 ft. wide concrete hike/bike trail as indicated in the City of Copp¢ll HikrdBik{: Trail master plan and as pot provious agreement with City Council. Villaees of Cottonwood Creek. Section .¥, Final Plat, applicant will be roquired to participate in the construction of 12 ft. wide concrete trail per City of Coppell Hike/Bike Trail Master plan. Sandy Ia_kc Addition fChildrens First Academvl. Lot 2. Block A. Final Plat, no commcnt. Coooerstone Amendintt Plat of Lots 13. 14. !~,16 & 46. Block A, applicant should be awar~ thai-they will be requi~ed to construct a 12 ft wide concrete hikedbike Trail as indicated in thc City of Coppell Hike/Bike Trail master plan. ]g[unici_oal Fire Station: No. 2. Lot 1. Block A. Final Plat. No comment. pD~J45Rf_CH'L Woodridge Addition, no comme, nt.