Vlg at CC S5/FP-DR 960725 (3) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMIITEE BUILDING INSPECTION COMMENTS_ ITEM,; V'dlages at Cottonwood Creek V I I~; ~ ,, ,~,,,, JUL 2 5 DRC DATE: July 25, 1996 *, ~.'. CONTACT: Greg Jones, Chief Building Official 004-3500) COMMENT ST,4 ~S: Z_ INITIAL o~, ~'~ ra~nx~ ~ ow 1. Rear setback at Lot 27, Block A = 20' all along alley side. 2. Rear screening needed vmll along 1Wlnyard Drive. Need wall and landscape plan - Lois 1 and 1. 3. Street nalne Bricknell or Eastwick?. drc7255