Vlg at CC S5/FP-CS 960806August 6, 1996 PTON EN~I~iEERIN~ ~ 2 Ms. lsabelle Moro CITY O1~ COPP~_.!.!- 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas '/5019 ENGINEF~ING · SURVEYING o P~G · 39;50 6330 ~RgneRoad - Sui~C * Ga~.Te~s 75043 · (214) 226-2967 · F~ 226-!946 ffY . / R~: VILLAGE AT COTTONWOOD Cl~.K V Dear Ms. Mom: We estimate tl~ conmuction cost of ~ proposed hike and bike trail along Coppell Road to be as follows: 18,120 SF X :$2.50 per SF : $45,300.00 Since CoppeH Road is currently tmlmproved, 'mis amount would be paid to the City and escwwed until such time as impmvcmcnts to Coppell Road are constructed. It is our understanding that this amount will be deduc~ fi'om the park fees. We calculate the remaining park fees due to the City to be as follows: Park Fees (59 lots at $I,285.00) - $75,815.00 less hike and bike trail costs Remainin~ Park Fees Duc $30,515.00 If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, ~TII~ON-ENG.~INEERING, INC. President PA/bt