Vlg at CC S5/FP-CS 97032703/28/97 FRI 17:11 YAX 21A 750 65A9 VAR-Z?-97 10:53 Frm~:JENKEfiS & GII.¢HRI3¥ ~002 T-tIT P.oT/oa Job-tq4T O) Nam~/]rirm/Company PETER G. SMITH Nichols/aokson Dillard RI)WARD D. TOOLE m Orand Homes, Inc. (214) 965-o0 ! 0 (:214) 750-6849 Phone # in event of transmission difficulty (214) 965-9900 (214) 750-6528 FROM: Williim A. Tlmu __ _._ direot: (21.4) 855-43 lO ....... · Mr. SSAGE · Peter: Pursuant to your March .2.6 request I have .added "any common area or space as shown on the recorded plat" to the definition of Common Maintenance Areas. I assume the Amendment is now aooeptable to you and am forwardLn$ oxeoution copics dirtily to F_.d Tool~ today. Plcase call me if you have any fialher oomments or questions. The bdbrmMlon cM~telncd in ~'J4 transmitted with this facsimile is 1. SUJJIICT TO THE ATTORNEY, Ct,tENT PRIVILEGE; 2. ATTOBNEYWORKFRODUCT; OR 3. cON~l)mqnTAl. If you do not receive all pages, please call: (314) 85S..47'/7 Da~: Mar~ 1997 Total # ~ L763,3 05/28/97 FRT 17:1]. FA[ 214 750 68,49 ~vm-~-~ lo:aa Froa:JENKEN$ & GILCHI~iS']' GRAND HOMES ZI48164ZOI T-6ZT ~003 FI]~T ~ ~0 DECLAI~TION OF COV~/ANTB ~ lt,~'rV3CTION$ FOR VIZ3.,AGE AT COTTONWOOD C]~EEK SECTION ¥ THIS I~]LYI· A:~'fI~,NX)ME~ ~ DBCLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS (this ~ amendment.), made this day of March, 199"/, blt GRAND LAND 96, L.P., a Texas limited fmnnership ('Declarant"); W1TN~SETH: A. Declarant has heretofore ex~ut~d and filed for record in the ~ Records of Dallas County, Texas, a c~rtain Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions lot Village at Cottonwood Crr. r.k Section V (the 'Declaration'). B. The City of Coppeil, Dallas County, Texas, has required certain amendments to the Declaration u set forth below, and Declarant ~corOingly desires to h~reby amend the Declaration in ~.~:or~ce with the requirements of the City. NOW, T~"~I~d~OR~. Declarant, be/Ag tho owner of all of the Lots within the Properties ·nd pu:suant to the right of amendment granted to it in Section 9.3 of the Declaration, hereby amends the Declatat/on as hereinafter set fro-th: 1. The definition of "Common Ma/nmnance Areas" set forth in Article I of the ~on in hereby nmend~l to re~ u foll~w~: "'Common lvfninr~naflg= Arem-' Shall m~an ~d rffcr ~ (i) the l~d~ ~ adJa~t to ~e ~y of the Subdi~si~ which ~e not ~ of ~y ~t, (~) ~ose other ~ within t~ Pr~ as ~e ~d may e~t ~ incl~e within 'Common ~t~ance A~' ~om ~me to ~me for m~n~ by the A~iafion, (~ any s~c wmmon ~ with mp~t to which the ~ty ~y ~mmon ~ or s~ ~own on ~e r~ plat." 2. Sr.,Gtlon 3.3 of the Declaration is he.,ey amended by adding thereto a new pazagraph (c) to read as follows: "(c) Should the Deolarant, tho Almor. iation or its Board fail or mi'use to maintain such Common Maintenance Areas to City Slx~ifications for an urttea~nable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days after written rr. qucst to do so, the City, by and throu&h a majority of the City Council members, ahatt have the same right, power and authority as is given to the Association and its Board to e~for~ this l;~rJa~tion and levy us~ssmonts in thc manner set forth herein. It is understnnd that in such event, the City may elect to exercise the rlght~ and powet~ RBI}AI~I0~dM.i 247&1 ,nnn,l~ 03/28/97 FRI 17:11 FAX 211 750 6849 GRAND HOMES [~004 14AI~-ZT-97 I0:6~ From:JENI~NS A GILCHRIST Z14B~4ZOl T-5Z'r P.03/03 Job-Gl? of the Association or its Board. to the extent necessary to rak~ an), action require! and lm, y an), ~ment that the Assoointion mlllht have, either in the ri&the of the Association, or otherwi~, to corot the cunt of maint~nancu of such Common Maintenanc~ Areas," Except as amended hereby, the Decltration shall continue in full force and effect in IN W1TNr:~s WHF=RP. OF, this First Amondment has been executed by Decla~n! on tho day and yen' In. st a~v~ ua-itt~n. GRAND LAND 96, L.P., - Toxas limited paru~rship Grand Texas Homos. Inc.. General Part'ncr Brooks, President THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY UP DALLAS This instrument was a~knowledged before me on the day of March, 1997, by St~ph~m II. Brou~, Presidont of Grand Texas Homes, Inc,, General Partner of GRAND LAND 96, L.P., a Texas limited partnership, on behalf of such limited partnership. My Commission Expi~: Nolary Public in and for the State of Texas PgntedNam~