Vlg at CC S6/FP-CS 940906 (2)TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERING · SURVEYING · PLANNING 4040 6330 Belt Line Road · SuiteC · Garland, Texas75043 · (214)226-2967 ° FAX 226-1946 September 6, 1994 Mr. Gary Seib Director of Planning CITY OF COPPELL 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: VILLAGES AT COTTONWOOD CREEK, SECTION VI COPPELL, TEXAS Dear Mr. Seib: PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS: Street name changes within the subdivision have been clearly indicated on the plat. 2. Detail Landscape Plan for the Common Area has been provided. The Wall and Landscape Plan bears the seal of a registered Landscape Architect. The sidewalk and edge treatment along Parkway Boulevard has been coordinated with the landscape of the sidewalk on the south side of Parkway Boulevard. We are attaching twenty-six (26) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies and one (1) transparency of each exhibit. II. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS: 1. All easements are a minimum of 20'. The type of easement being provided between Lots 68-69 and 69-70 has been verified on the plat. 2. 90" storm sewer easement has been shown on Preliminary Plat. Mr. Gary Seib September 6, 1994 Page No. 2 II. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS (CONT'D): 3. Gabion installation has been indicated on plans. 4. General Comment. 5. Accent trees have been identified. 6. Irrigation Plans will be provided at the time of Final Platting. Water utility blow-offs, etc. conform to standard construction details as shown on plat. 8. Irrigation meters will be indicated and sized at the time of Final Platting. 9. The Kingsbury Cl. water line has been tied to Parkway 12". III. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS: The Hike and Bike Trail adjacent to Lot 13 on the west side of the subdivision has been shown. 2. Block letters have been shown. 3. An offsite easement will be coordinated at the time of Final Platting. A slope easement adjacent to Lots 13 through 58 will be coordinated at the time of Final Platting. The floodplain adjacent to Lots 12, 13 and 14 are now denoted as the "City of Coppell ultimate floodplain line" not the "F.I.R.M. floodplain line." 6. General Comment. A 15 foot wide drainage easement has been provided adjacent to and west of Gifford Drive from Lot 25 northward. o All easements have been shown on the face of the plat and are a minimum of 20 foot wide. Mr. Gary Seib September 6, 1994 Page No. 3 III. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS (CONT'D): 9. All existing easements will either be abandoned or relocated during the Final Platting process. 10. A variance for the deletion of the alleys has been requested. 11. Gifford Drive from Parkway to Kingsbury has been shown as a collector street in 60 foot of right-of-way. 12. We have adjusted our lot lines at the intersection of Gifford and Parkway to include the sight visibility easement as a common area not as part of Lots 1 and 4. 13. The proposed centerline radius of the sanitary sewer has been provided on the face of the plan and now meets the City's Subdivision Regulations. 14. General Comment. 15. A permanent channel design improvement is shown on the plan. 16. The 90" storm drainage system will be relocated in order to accommodate for lot configurations and roadway alignments. 17. General Comment. BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS: 2. 3. 4. Blocks have been called out. We have provided all fence setback restrictions. We have provided all fence setback restrictions. General Comment. Vm FIRE DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS: 1. We have adjusted fire hydrants per Fire Department's request. Mr. Gary Seib September 6, 1994 Page No. 4 Vie UTILITY DEPARTMENT'S COMMENTS: A. TUElectric: 1. Easements are provided for proposed electric utilities. Load information (size of structure, A/C-Heat Load) will be provided by the developer. 15' wide easement along north row of Parkway Boulevard and one (1) 20 x 20 switchgear easement along Parkway has been provided. B. Lone Star Gas: 1. General Comment. This concludes our review of Staff comments. If you have any questions or if we can furnish additional information, do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, Pat A~kir~s--· ./ .... .:~--' President PA:ea Attachments sad unitary sowor lines nad dralnajo Facilities &rd how, by romrvnd by Doohrant, tofothor with tho right to grunt and transfor mini. ll:4 gurfm)oAramofUtllltyEasmunts. BasonumsforinstallatJomandnmimenanoo of utUhi# am t~uved u shown and providod for on tho )qat. Undorground electric, nummi gas and telophcmo eorvJoo stall be available to all Lots in tho subdivision. Buomems for tho ~ndorground ~orvk~ nay bo erouod by driveways, wilkways, patios, brick'wails and fences. provided tho Doelamnt or bulldor make~ prior arrangenvmt with tho utll#y companio~ furnishing ebetrk:, mturil gu and telq)hono IorvJoo Ired provides and Immlt, any necouar~ conduit of approved typo and size undor such driveways, walkw~ys, patios, brick wall, or fences prk)r to oomtmctinn thoruof, Such ee. somonts for tho undofground service shill ho k, op4 oinnr of all othor Improvomont8, and noithor tho [runtoo nor an)' utility ~ompany UBing tho eisomants shill bo liiblo for any damMI do~ by olthor of thom or tholr uslfJu, agents, ompinyoos or servants, to shmbbo~0 trios, flowen or o~hor Improvemonts (other than for dlnlagm cauled In crossin~ drivow~k w~lkway& pllios, brick wills or fonem, providin~ conduit hu beon installed as outlinod Mx)vi) of tho Ownor Ior~od off tho Lot covorod by hid ensomon~ II.S IJnlveeml Ka#meat, Bach Lo~ and Its Owner within tho Proptmles is horeby deolaf~l to hovo in euomant nil to e~__,~_, oho (Il foot In width, and tho Mini h homby ;mined .... . .. to Deohmnt, ovor Iii adjoining LoU and Common Prope~le~ fo~ tho pml)ose of___~'~,m_ mndatlnl .: :.. s : .., .:' ..' .... :.- thy ~n~ma~hmonl du~ to enlln~tlnl'orm~, ermn in odllnal coanm~tion, mtlaamm or 12 GgN~aKI, PROVI=SIONS 1:2.1 Durallon. Tho Covamntsand Restrictions of this Doelmation shill n~ wi:". and '.~- bind tho land subJeot to Ibis ]:)eclamliOn, and ah&Il Inure to lb benuflt of and bo enforcenbio by tho Auoci~lion and/or the Owner of any land subJoct to mb Doclaratlon, thoir reqx~ive bpi. P. ostrlctiom In wbob or I luhomntiat portion Ihoroof; provided, howovor, that no such alreommts to nbolbh shall bo offootivo unl~u midi and rocoMod OhO (!) y. ar in ndvane~ of tho 12.2 Manta. No~wlthstandingSectlon 12.01 ofthlsAfllelethosoCovenantsand Remflctiom may bo amonded and/or changod in part as follow,: ., 12.2. i . during the ton (10)),mr portod immediately foliowin~ the date of rucordalton of thoae Covonunts and RostrJctlons, the Doclarunt may amend or chongo those CovenuAts end RostrJctions with tho consent of Il least fifty-Iii ~t (:SI %) of I quorum of. tho outsmndiM vows of ~11Mombon of. tho Auoc~ion, n~rdlou of class; 12.:2.2 In ]dl (Xlur dina·iota, ·bom Covmmnts and RmtrictJom may bo afne~.__ or dunltod upo. flu mtpm; wfluen mm~ o~-, kmt numy po·urn ('IOS) OF · quoflml OF tho ouutandln~ rot# of' eaoh memborship can of. tho Ard,x:~loa. Any and all .neadmont., if ·ny, 1111.11 bo rocordod In flu offioo of. the CoufltF Clork of DilIH Count),, '1~_~-__.~ Notwlthmudln~ tho prior provisions of this Sectioe 12.2, tim J~claram may oxocuto ·nd ro0ord amondmonts to this Do~laradon without such conuat or q~ if flu 'anumJmom b for tho porposo of. cor~ctlnB technlc]d or typofmphical ~ off or chflflcation 1~.3 ~nroreuuntt. Bfllbrcemom of' tlmo Covonamt and RmlrictloM duff bo by any ~]l 1'" r"~ ~tq ·tiaw or in equity ~ahut any per0ofl or poHom vioJatin~ or attomMb~ to viohto _:..~-:.::..'~.-'~' ; ''ri~ '~?"~:..~:.",,:''~;::;~: . thom, ortorocovordamap;,ortooaforooanylloncf~atodb,/thmoCavonam·ndRmtflcdom; ,:~;~'~¥' .'.~i' ~' ':: ' "~/~': '~ ' ' '- -' Judlmont or coort ordor 1111.11 In no wiso ·ffoct an:y otho~ provision which shall ronmin la full' -, ,.,~; ~. ~:~.,. ?,: ,,./.~ !~ ..~,? ~: :.:.:.~ ,~,. ~ ~~.~ ~t.~;;~'~ aoorem or lbo pomoa WhO appurs m Mom~or or uwnor on tM reoorm or mo AuoolmJon at mo 'L:-'.:~ '? .... . :/ -/ ' ! .' :. mob mortp~'s~4embor's/Ownor's obltpflon(t) as omblishod by this Doclamtlon. · 12J Dbputt Ma~terl of' disputo or dlm;reemem betweea Own0rs with respect to Jnlor~ or application of' tho provisioM of thb DeohmJon or tho Auoelation Bylaws, dull bo _,~___,~mlned by tho I~erd of Dlro~on, whmo r,'Ntsonable delenninltlofl shall bo fln]d and .. btnd~ uixm all Ownon. ~.9 Termination o~' and XmpondbmU' of Dorhrant. Ii'Declarant d~li oonvoy &Il of' its ril~t, fl·lo and into:est in and to tho l~p0rty ~d anlln all its rights, benefit; and ~'~o ~'-~ ~ obliptloM m Doclamnt honmndor to an)* paflnomhip, individual or individuah, omporatkm or r~~;~-- ~._t ~ ootpormimu, than and la ,uch ovem Doclamm shall bo r]dJevod of the pefformanoo of an), . ,.~ fup. her duty or obliption bomumbr, and mob p,trtnoHhlp, Jndivklu]d or tndJvJdu]ds, omlx~Mion or co~s., dull bo oblipted to port'orm ]dj such dub and oblJjalio~ OF lb Doclaram. nq wrrmss Mmuiop. sown co, sT uc o co.. :,c... C~lXmtion, boln4 tho Doclamnt bomin, hu ammd this in~tmu~'nt to bo oMoutod m of lbo ,~Ot,h day OF my .1993. . Ntme: STEPHE~ L. Bi·mm · 93105 05~0 I ~E_i.1 lidI' l'i,m Scott '' ,, 93105 OG~l Dr, CL.~llON OP' COVZNAA'~, CONDITIONS AND RB:STIUCTWONS VIII. AGE AT COTTONWOOD CREW, S~'rloN FouR, CorJ'ELL, TEXAS LROAI. DRSCRIPTION ' 44..5 ACRES B~JNG I tract of Innd out of fho THOMAS t.. HOLLAND SURVBY, Abstriet No. 624, City of Copjmll, ]:Xdlu Courtly. To]mB and bolnl pet~ cf Lots I, 2, 3 and 4, Bloek 2 of VIL,I. AOR .AT COTTOh'WOOI:) r~I, BBK SBGTION R, aa addition to tho City of CG~ll, 'texas accoMIn~ .... :. !.'i-,..'~.;i:..i:=: .~ to tho plat thereof ro~ordod I~ Vohmo 852~?, PaSo S0Z4, Z)ood Rocords or Z~lhs County, --~-.i .... Texas and hoin8 moro particularly descrihod ns folk)wi: ' · .,.~:.~.: .- , 'i . )....' ".'. ." i .of tho bofomnmntlonod VIa.LA(JR AT COTTONWOOD CRRRIC SBG'I3ON to n S/8" iron rod Io( al tho Inteuoctlon of said easl ri~ht"of-Mly line find tho south Hi;hi-of-way .... '' . ~ .... '.' .'- '. ': for tho northout nerner ~ Lol 1, Block 2 of said addllion; ....... : ...... ' i." :7:'-. ... ~ '.. TliENCEwlththosaldeest Ilne, South00o 11' 4~" Bast, ·dlmancoof SMa.~ feot to·point · ~.-:.',~.~:.." ' . in tho eentorllne of C~XtonwGc~ Chroek for tho soutltmst corner of' aid Lot ! and tho northeast ' ?~,~'?r:.i" ' ,': -.- -': :'.: .. ;': :~" eoener of CCrI'FONWOOD BSTATBS. an nddltlou to tho City of' Coppoll, Texas -~-_'~,~d_. IM to · '";": ': ' "-;' - ;, '., '" .:¥.' ~,".",': 'i .~:.~-.- tho pint Ihorcof recordod in Volume 782lS, Paso 23, Dead R~ords of ]:)niles County, Toxas; ~:~":"-':,: '.. ' .... . .= .. ~ --.. 'I'III~TCE with the north iino of tho said COT'FONWOOD BSTATBS, r~t tho centedine of ....... (:hXtouwc,~ Creek, tho followln~ eoursa~ and distances to wit: North 60o 31' 01' West, · dlstanoe of 44.$2 foel to a point for comer; . ~outh 6~ 31' 59' Wost, fi distanco of 132.g~J feet to fi point for comer;, South 14o 15' 59" West, fi dlstanco of 61.S4 foet to ~ point for comer; South Slo 35' 01' Bast, fi distance of 76.00 feet to · point for cornor; South 29o 13' 59" Wosl, · distance of' 85.78 foet to fi Point for tho northoast corner of VIL.T.AOR AT COT'TONWOOD Cpma~ SBCTION l, an nddllion to tho City of' Coppoll, Textq aocordin~ to tho pIfit thorcof rocordnd. In Volume 85237, Paje $022, Dcod Rocords of ~)unty, ~ for the bo~innln~ of · non-tnn&~Jcy curve to the Iofl, hovlnf · control an~le of 46o 0~' 3S", fi radius of 77.~.00 foot ·nd a chord beeftM find dlsum~o of' South ~'/o Worn, ~::~ with tho north lhu of tho aid VIL.T~OG AT COTTON%VOOD Cpn~n~ 1, tho followlns ouune~ and distances to wit: Wsatorly with sam curw, an sm: dlstanou of 624.37 foet to · 1/2' Iron rod found fit 1he point of ten.racy; IO Pa~e ) of 2 93~05 *q°Uth 640 20' S4' West. I dlstan~ of' 176.18 Fern to t 1~2' imfl rod ;ound for tb~' ' be~innlfli of a lan&,tm~ curvo to tho rllht, ~i~ s '~ qb of ~o 14' 01', a " . ~ .. of-way HM of Minp~ D~ (a ~' ~ht~f-wax liM M t~s ~) for t~ ~iMh; of N~h 890 ~' iT' Win, a d~~ of 1~8,~ f~ to a- ~im for t~ ~iMin; of a · -- and · chord bonrlng qnd dlstaneo of N~h 870 50' 03' %';~, ~.~ fro: ~ ~.'~-~.- .. ~ . ~' .~. . ~ 2 of 2 93105 06~3 p¼t of tho ~roportt~s dull bo mvmxJ and maim,Mod by tho Association. Landscape end trrigatl~'., improvomcots e(t tho south side o~' 1~arkway Bouiovard be~weon tho curb lbto and lbo right-of-way lion8 tho, .',.lire plat bouJu. L~ry shall be nubttainod by tho Association, Landscapo and irrt~iflon improvomenit on abe eas~ sMe of Coppell Roll shall bo n~lnlabtod by tho Association. Tho we~om mo~ limits of'ralulrnd mabttonan~o dull be the ensl bank of tim bar di!ch ~ the mst eu~) line of'~!l Rond aflor h has ~ · on~mcted IO Iii ultimnlo widlh,'- Landscape and irr~ption improv~ents on tim north .la~ of Mbt) nM I:)rive ndJacont IO Lo~ !, Stloek A and lots I-~,, Block D. The limits of nmtntafmnco slmll be betwe*n the co~]bte and rJBht.-of-way. Masonry scm walls on or ndJm~ent rathe areas noted above dull bo nmtm~bted b~ tho Auoelatlon. The screen wall mu ~lown on the plat or tho Propmlies are m provide ~_..,:,~,_u to the Asaoc~tion for the porpoae of mabttmmnco or rq~lr. The Association shall not be reaponslble for mabttonanee or repnir of =.,v lmprovemcots within thi~ mcot ame Mber tham the m wall itseJf. · Masonry columns, ornamonml'ml fencbtg, landscape and lrrigntion lmpmvemenu,, within th~ landscape oasemontr,2 shown on the plat of the Properties dull be m~bttabted by the Assochtlon. The. se euome~s am shown at the minus of nsch of the following cut de mt.s: Buttonwood Court, Pair,,Jow Court, Hampton Court, Gibson O)urt, Ma:heson Coufl and -ehelTmld Cc)un. . *6. Tho m of mnini~Mnco by I~ Association L-e subject m chan=e as provid~ for iff' the covenants ~d mslrlctions. 93;05 OGzi6 LEGAL DESCRH'TION 3950.fid/wp29 BEING 62.45 acres of land located in the Thomas L. Holland Survey, Abstract No. 624, Dallas County, Texas and being part of Section II, Village at Cottonwood Creek as recorded in Volume 85237, Page 5014, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING at an iron rod in the most Northwest comer of Parkway Blvd., and Coppell Road; THENCE, N 00° 11' 42" W, 490.01 feet along said easterly right-of-way line to an iron rod; THENCE, S 89° 50' 41" E, 1,260.34 feet to an iron rod; THENCE, N 00° 18' 06" W, 1,336.98 feet to an iron rod; THENCE, S 89° 53' 57" E, 1,386.08 feet to an iron rod; THENCE, S 00° 11' 49" E, 1182.5 feet to an iron rod in Parkway Blvd., at the beginning to a curve to the left; THENCE, Westerly along the North right-of-way line of Parkway Blvd., as follows; Southwesterly, 787.76 feet along said curve to the left, having a radius of 862.5 feet, a central angle of S 21° 19' 51", and a chord bearing of N 63° 38' 16" E, 760.66 feet to an iron rod at the end of said curve and the beginning of a reverse curve to the right; Northeasterly, 714.90 feet along said curve to the right, having a radius of 777.5 feet, a central angle of 52° 40' 58", and a chord bearing of S 63° 48' 50" W, 714.90 feet to an iron rod at the end of said curve; THENCE, S 89° 50' 41" E, 1321.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 62.45 acres. 9~90 S01~6 OAt. t:°; ,.~1"~ ! Y