Vistas of C P1/PP-CS 960430DATB:
Leisure Services
April 30, 1996 ~
Mayor and City Council
Jim Witt, City Manager
Gary D. Sims, Director
Preliminary Platting c
MAY 21996
vistas of
Coppe11, Phases I & 2
The Leisure Services department, as a member of the Development
Review Committee, is in the process of maki~ re~menda~%o~s t~
the ~lanning and Zoning Commission, regaralng ~ne preliminary
platting request of V~stas of Coppe11, Phases i & 2. ~urin~ the
City Council work session of April 09, 19~6, staff received input
from several council members indicating a desire to require the
developer to construct the hike and bike trail along the Denton
Creek levy. There was also discussion regarding the elimination of
a proposed park land dedication along the Lone Star Gas Co. gas
line easement.
While staff believes the dedication and subsequent development of
the easement could provide recreational opportunities, this was not
our primary focus for this development. T~e developer has adamantly
resisted all attempts by staff to obtain a hike and bike trail
easement within the applicant's property. Consequently, staff has
worked diligently with Vista Properties to obtain use of the levy
as a part of the hike and bike ~ai~ I? addit~on~, .V}~t~
Properties had originally proposed dea~ca~on ot approximately =.~
acres of park land that can be developed, which would have been in
excess of the required amount of pa~k land required to be
Originally, staff received an incompatible request by the developer
to credit the surplus park land dedication of Phases 1, 2, and 3
against the multi-family section across the 121 bypass. Staff
informed the developer that we could no~ recommend credit until
such time as the multi-family site was platted. In March, Vista
Properties modified their application to exclude the 5.9 acres as
they removed Phase 3 and 4 from considerationuntil a decision was
made by CISD on the acquisition of the proposed school site.
As you will recall, council chose to deny the preliminary plats for
Phases i and 2, during their meeting of April 09, 1996.. The
developer is now in the process of bringing forth preliminary
latting once again. Based upon the information listed above,
~taff would ask for direction regarding the developer's follow-up
application. Our questions are:
1. Should we require the developer to donate land and provide for
construction of the hike and bike trail, rather than accept
use of the levy?
If the levy is acceptable as a hike and bike trail,
should the developer be required to construct.the
trail, as provided for in the subdivision ordinance?
Should the city accept the donation o~ adjacent lands along
the lone star easement? If this land Ls accept, should it be
credited towards the park land dedication requirements or
accepted as surplus property?
The 50 foot strip identified by the develeDer adjacent to the Lone
Star gas easement, in and by itself does not meet the required
dedication of park land, in quantity.
Staff would ask for any council input prior to wednesday, May 6,
1996. It is our intent to incorporate council's input in
correspondence to the developer on May 7,1996.
Thank you for you input into this matter. Should any member of the
council have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact Jim, or myself at 304-3560.