Vlg at CC P6/Re-CS 950315CITY OF .COPPELI, ~I)BDIVISION APPt, lCATIQH DA?Bt.. March 15, It Subdivision Name VILLAGE AT COTTONM)OD CREEK SECTION VI FINAL PLA? REPLAT~_.X Applicant ......... TIPTON E~6INEERIN6, INC ........... Address ~Ltline 8~ad, Suile C. Garland. Texas 75043 Stremt City State Phone # (214) 226-2967 ...... 95 ~.ip 4. Firm Preparing Plat___TI~T_O~_ ENGINEERING, INC., 6330 Beltline .Road, Suite C, Garland,Tx. *~}eet City State ~lp Phone # (214) 226-2967 5. Propmrty Owner JIM SOMELL CONSTRUCTION CO.,, I~C. Address 3131 McKinney Ave.;'**~..~; §niles, Texas ~5043 1 Street City State ~P Phone t {~ta) ~?t 6. Developer ~IN 501dELL CONSTRUCTION C~_.INC. Add£ees .3131 McEinn~? Ave., Suite ~flO,,..flflllas, Texas Street City stere ~ip Phone # (214) 871-3320 ?. All Cogrespoodence relative to this application should be dinette{ to whom: NM Pat Atk~ns __~/o T~PTON ~N~NEER~N~, INC. State, Zi Phone #...(~14) 8. C4ne~al ~oc~tion et Property. East of Coppell Road - North df ~arkva~ 8ou]eYard 'i ' t(Aat ts the present Zoning Diatzict? SF-7 any zoning change? NO File # Zoning district Requmst~d? 10. Propos~! Subdivision Contains: ,i , Are you requesting If y~s, what is the{Case Land Use Slnale 14ulti-Familv !nduvt~i~) Perks,_ Public TOTAl: SUBAPP No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea. t~se) d 7fl97 f 03/14 '95 17:00