Wagon Wheel TC/SP-DR020425 (3) City of Coppell Development Revie~ Committee Comments Planning Department Wagon Wheel Tennis Center Site Plan DRC Date: April 25 & May 2, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: May 16, 2002 City Council Meeting: June 11, 2002 Site Plan/Elevations 1. Parking Spaces are shown as 10' x 20'. While staff has no objection to the increased size, please be aware that the City's standard parking space is 9'x 19'. 2. Required/Provided parking spaces are noted as 40. Where did this number come from? 3. The proposed tennis center doesn't provide spectator seating, i.e.-bleachers. Is space allowed for future bleachers, if the need arises? 4. The circular drive serving the tennis center appears to be an awkward shape. Ensure compliance with fire radii requirements. 5. Revise the label on sheet L-2, which incorrectly indicates the restroom/vending building as a "Proshop." 6. Indicate the size of the proposed monument sign. Landscape Plan 7. Staff would encourage the applicant to consider locating some of the trees closer to the 15' perimeter buffer along Creekview Drive, to match the future private development which will occur on the south side of Creekview Drive. Perhaps some trees may be staggered on the south side of the trail, remaining inside the property line. 8. Show trail on Landscape Plan. 9. According to the Plant Legend, only 20 trees will be provided, as accent trees do not count toward the overstory number of trees required. Eve's Necklace, Yaupon Holly, Texas Redbud, and Wax Myrtle are not considered overstory trees. Staff would encourage some additional overstory trees be provided to get a little closer to the ordinance requirements, 10. Texas Redbuds are noted on the Plant Legend, but not represented on the plan. 11. Approximately 5 Yaupon Holty's are shown on the plan, but only 2 are listed on the Plant Legend. 12. Revise Landscape Data Table to indicate only the number of trees provided for each category and not the number required, as these are not going to be met.