Wagon Wheel TC/SP-DR020425DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Wagon Wheel Tennis Center, Site Plan, to allow the development of a tennis facility, including 8 tennis courts, a vending/restroom facility, and accessory parking, located within the 153-acre Wagon Wheel Park at 345 State Road, at the request of the City of Coppell Department of Leisure Services. DRC DA TE: April 25, 2002 and May 2, 2002 CONTACT: Teresa Turner, E. LT., Graduate Engineer (972-304-3681) COMMENT STATUS: ,/PRELIMINARY FINAL REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. A finished floor elevation needs to be labeled on the building. 2. Additional measures may need to be taken to control erosion where the storm pipe dumps into the floodplain. 3. Minimum sanitary sewer pipe size is 8" as stated in the Subdivision Ordinance however the proposed 6" sewer may be acceptable if adequate slope is achieved. 4. Need to verify with the fire department that the locations and number of fire hydrants is sufficient. 5. A General Note needs to be included that all construction shall conform to the City of Coppell's Construction Standards and Subdivision Ordinance. 6. Indicate how the water feature will be served. 7. Indicate the type of connections for the fire line and domestic water service.