Vistas of C P2B/FP-CS 970114MEMORANDUM Lei, ure Services Department January 14, 1997 001 cc' JAN ;: Gary $1eb, Planning and~evelopment Director Gary D. Vistas of Coppell Final Plat Per our telephone =onversation on Jan. 13, 1997 concerning the City council's final approval of the Vistas of Coppell final. plat, the Leisure Servi=es Department re~ommends a~proval of this plat ~ubject to the following Gondition~; 1. The Developer must consummate a Developer's Agreement with the city of coppell through the Leisure Services Department that obligates the developer to construct the ~ike and Bik~ Trail. on th~ Denton County Levy District levy, d~igned~ constructed and approved by the city of Coppell Engineering Department and, 2. th~ developer will pay the city of coppell the amount in excess of the trail oonmtruction cost equivalent to th~ ourrent parkland development fees as prescribed by the city's subdivimion development ordinances or 3. The developer may opt to pay the parkland development'fees of $1,Z89.00 per dwelling unit in leu of oonstruoting the trail. As we discussed, I related the above conditions to Jason Marshall, he said he would discuss this matter with Pet~ smith and Mr. Ha~F~r. I have not heard from him slnc~. clay Phillips called me today and said that he had talked with Derek Earl ~nd that he was okay with these oondition~. ..f~. If yc~u hay= any questions or wi~h additional information regardtn9 this matter, please do not hesitnte to contact me.. F-ax #