Vistas of C P2B/FP-CS 980212NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. AT[ORNEY$ & COUN-qF.,LORS AT LAW 1500 LINCOLN PLAZA ~00 NORTH AKARD DALLAS, TEXAS 7S201 (214) 965-9900 ~'Ax (214) 965-0010 February12,1998 JOI~N F. ROENM II! J,OON C. MAI~KALL J. D/,vm D0~ m O~ COU~SlEL VIA FACSIMILE//(972)643-6809 AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Ms. Linda Signer Centex Homes Southwest Regional Office 9441 LBJ Freeway Suke 504 Dallas, Texaz 75243 RE: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell Dear Ms. Signer: Please be advised that we have reviewed the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas. ARea' reviewing the same, we have the following comments: We submit the definition under Section 1.4: "'Common Areas' will mcan that portion of the 'Property,' as defined herein, including any improvements thereon, conveyed to the Association free and clear of any monetary encumbrance for the common use and benefits of the owners and/or as designated as such areas on the filed 'Plat' of the Vistas of Coppell." In addition, we submit the definition under Section 1.5: "'Common Maintenance Areas' will mean Common Areas, as defined herein and as depicted on the Plat as defined herein, in any area within the public right of way, easements, public or private, drainage ways, creeks and streams, improved or unimproved, that thc Board of Directors have agreed to maintain pursuant to the covenant to share costs or which the Board of Directors of the Association deems necessary or appropriate to maintain for the common benefit of the members." Ms. Linda Signer February 12, 1998 Page 2 The major change and issue that we would like to address is the provisions under Section 4.2 concerning the drainage ditch area. It is my impression that the drainage ditch is part of an unplatted piece of property and is currently subject to a request for zoning before the City of Coppell. I believe this is designated as Phase 2C by Centex Homes. It appears that this drainage area, which was Ccntex's original desire to dedicate to thc City for use as a public park. However, that offer was declined by the Leisure Services Department, Hence, it is important ~to acco~]nt for the future maintenance of the drainage area as Common Area. It occurred to me that it would be more prudent to leave Section 4.2 out and upon final platting of the Phase 2C, the drainage ditch area shall bc properly designated as a Common Area within the terms and conditions of the deed restrictions, as well as on the Plat and Map thereof which is offered for approval to the City. This would eliminate what I feel is awkward language concerning the drainage ditch area and leave Centex Homes or its partner the responsibility to maintain the drainage ditch until such time as Phase 2C is platted and developed. Otherwise, we find that we have no negative comments concerning thc rest and remainder of the deed restrictions. We would ask that you please make the suggested changes of Section 1.4 and 1.5 as well as the elimination of Section 4.2 at your earliest conve~tienc¢. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, NICHOLS, JAC~S.ON, DILLARD, By: c.~--" - - ' / Robert E. Hager REH/slp cc: Ms. Isabelle Moro NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 16036 TOTAL PAGE.03 **