Vistas of C P2B/FP-CS 980213NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Ro~zwr It,. I~L~d~.O Ill Romr~l' F,.. PETr,~. G. SMrm A'i'TOI~rE;Y~ & COUNSELORS ~,T LAW i800 LINCOLN PLAZA 5O0 NORTH AKARD DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 (214) 965-9900 FAX C214) 965-0010 February13,1998 J, DArn) DOOO KOII;RT L, DILLARD, JR. H. LQUJ'~ Nrcliol,~ L4WRENCE W. Ov C0vr~$~c DICTATED BUT NQT READ Ms. Isabelle Moro Planning and Zoning Coordinator City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 VIA FACSIMILE #(972)304-3570 AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Centex Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell Dear Isabelle: Please be advised that I have reviewed the Centex Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell. Please refer to my letter dated February 12, 1998, a copy of which has been previously provided to you. Assuming Centex made the changes I requested and that axe red-lined on the copy which is attached hereto, we approve the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell as required by the subdivision ordinance. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, Robert E, Hager REH/sIp Enclosure cc: Ms. Linda Signer VIA FACSIMILE #(972)643-6809 FEB 13 '98 15:45 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 9723043570 P.05/06 DECLARATION OF .COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR VISTAS OF COPPELL THIS DECLAI~TION OF COVENAKTS, CON'DmON$ "De¢lsraltoa") is made o~ the date h~sfier ~e~ forth by CENTEX HOMES, a N~vada ~ral parin~rship, hereina/~ r~£ormd ix, as lhe "Declarer." wn' sszra W!~___ _-~S, Declmant owns certain real prop~ in Dallas County, T~xss, descn'b~d on Exhibit attached hereto; and WI~.REAS, Declarant desires to crea~ an ex~luslve phnncd ~~y ~o~ as ~T~ OF CO~LL o~ ~e l~d des~ on ~it "A~" and such ~er ~ ~ may be a~ ~ p~t ~ ~ ~ ~d p~visio as of~b D~on; NOW ~FORE, I~.'clarant declares thai r.he Pwper~y (as her~ina/~ defined) will be held, sold and conveyed subject to the restrictions, oovenants and conditions declared below, which will be deemed to be covenants running with the land and imposed on and int~ded to benefit and burden each Lo~ (ss her~/naf'~r dermal) and other portions of the Property in order m maintain wi~in ~e Property a planned community of hiEh st~n~ ards. Such cownants will I~ binding on all parties having any righ% tirl~ or interest therein or a~ part thereof, their respective heirs, personal ~tives, successors and assigns, and will inore to th~ b~n=St of=ach Owncr (as her¢inaf~ defin~l) thereof. ARTICLE I D~ON$ S~fion.l.l. "Associa'iion" will mean Vislas of Copp¢ll Homzown~rs Asso~iagon, I~c., a Texas no~profit ~orporation emb fished for the purposes set forth herein. ~ "Beild~r" will m~an C~m~x Homes and any other r~sid~atial building company acquiring Lots from thz Declarant for the p~-pose of conslru~ion and sale of homes. will mean the City of Coppell, Dallas Count~, Toxas. ~ "Comma-, Ar~s" will mean lha~ portion of the Property, including any improv~m~u thereon, conveyed ~ the Association free and clear of monea~y ~aoumbra~o~s l'othar ~an taxes and assessmemts, includlnv_ _w_ifll_o~t_l_ itn/lat/on... _as~.. ~r~.lat~d to any municioal distr/cts, rural districts, uti!i_W_distrio~s and/or a~y_~.~s.i,_~ov_ernmen~al_didricts..~_any o~her_districLct~at~_d~_ _u_rsuant_to_ ~for the common use and/or..b-benefit of the Owners and]or that orooerW dcsip_3~ated as "common..ar..ea" c~lat~'e~r_d_ei~againsl li~e ProoetW or a oortio~l thereoL ~;Xl~V,,crs~:oppe. lI.w'pd (6.-1~. 97) FE~ 13 '99 12:31 972 643 6889 P~GE.02 FEB 15 '98 15:46 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD ~14 965 0010 TO 97~304~570 P.04/06 S4etio__~ !.5 "Commo n ])r-.gntensace Arm" wU1 mean the Common Areas, if any, and a~y areas within public righi~-of-way, easements (p~blic a~d private), publle l~'ks, privat~ sir~s, drainaSe ways. creeks and_s~r_e_am~s ¢imt~ro_-.c~l_or unimomvedl or landscaping that _*%-- ~c~~-~- .-.~ -r~.r-':~-----'~:~'-f ~.~c ] '_~.~ .... :-,-x ....... ~k° '-- * ~:-. ......... ~------~-~~the Board of Directors A::~:i--~----- h== ..~ ......... r .............................. of ~e Association deems necessary or appropriate to mai~!~_!~ for the common benefit of the memb~'s. Section_L_6 "Deehrant" will mean Centex Homes and its successors and assifpts who are designated as stwh in writing b~; D~laram, and who consent in writing to assume the duties sfld obligations of the Declarant with Izspect to the Lois acquired by such successor or assiiln. _~.etion 1.7. "Deelsrstlon" wiU mean this Declaration of Covenanls, Conditions and l~striction.3 for Vistas of Coppel 1, ~nd any amenctmenrs and supplements thereto made/n accordance with its terms. Set'lionJ,_8_ ".Creek/Drainags t)~rd~-Ares" will mean that certain wask. ~re~k_a~d/or drainaze tre& ~ :nd related area aa described i~ F~xhlbit ""Cli~it~ho~' s.Tt~c, lled hereto and as modified by Declarant pursuant to Se~i0n 4.2 herein. S_e~_g_osl.9 "Lot" v'ill mea~ any of the plots of land indicated upon +,he recorded subdivision map of thc Property or any part thereof orentin~ single-family homesiMs, but only if Rte plot of land ha~ in placc a~ infrastmvlure (including utilit/es and sweets) necessary to allow const~tio~ of a single family home. Cow. mo~/,rea snd areas deeded to a sovemmental authority or ulility, together with all improvements thereon, will not be/nduded as part ora Lot. Stetlon_l_.!0_ "Owner" will mean the rcoord owner, whether ~e or more persons or enlitias, of fee simple title iv any Lot, incl ading conh'act sellers, but excluding those havirt~ an inT,'rest merely as sccur/ty for the p~-formafl~e of aJt obli~j~tion. Section 1.11 "Plat" villi mean collectively (when applicable) the F/hal Pla~s of Visias of Coppell as ilmnized below: (a) vistas of Coppell, Phase IA, recorded, or to be recorded, in the Plat Records of Dallas Count', Texas; (b) l~istas of Copp¢ll, Phase 2A, recorded, or to be recorded, in the Plat P, ncords ofDallos Coum:.,, Texas; (e) ~/istas of CoFpell, Phase lB. recorded, or to be recordeg, in the Plat Records of Dallas CoGnac, T~xas; (d) Vistas of Coppell, Phase :lB, recorded, or to be recorded, in the Plat Rocords of Dallas Cou,t:,, Texas; and (e) Vistas of Coppell, Phase 2C, recorded, or to be recorded, in the Pln~r l~x2rds of Dallas Count./, Texas. l)ederttiou or¢ov~nant~ Conditions awd Restrictions lg\tc, gal~fwnorth~ ~rsl~pcll. wpd FEB 15 '98 15:46 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 9723045570 P.05×06 fi~nd .,nd thc ex¢l=$~ve ~ght and c bligntion to perform the ft~ctlons of ~e Board of D~zectcrrs, exit ns otherwise provided h~rein. Seefion3A ~d-i-qem~_~_; C_omrae~__ ~__ua_ Cov--=-~ to ~_~e C~. %e Bo~d of D~, ~ ~f of ~e ~oc~ ~ll ~ve f~] ~w~ ~ a~o~ ~ ~ or ~ in~ ~v~ to s~e cos~ wi~ ~ 0~ or o~ p~ or ~W f~ ~c ~rf~a~ce by ~e Associ~on of ~i~s whi~ ~ Bo~ of ])i~ is not o~e ~ui~ to pe~o~ p~s~t to ~ ~ h~f, s~h con~s or cov~mt~ ~ s~ ~s~ to be upon su~ ~s ~d condigons ~d ~r such ~nside~on ~ ~e Bo~d of Db~rs may d~ prop~. ~visable ~d ~ ~e best in~ of ~e As~iafion. ~ M_ttnten:mce of Comm.o~_- #_~d/_or Common M~ntensmce Ar.e~s_by the C~ of Co~pelh Should ~ A~on or ~ B~ of D~o~ ~I or r~e ~ ~i~ su~ Co--on ~ ~or Common ]~n!p~ ~ ~ CiW spec~fio~ '~r ~ ~~ble time. not ~ exce~ 90 ~ys ~ ~ tcq~ ~ do so, ~e CiW of Cup. Il, by ~d ~u~ a Co. oil mcm~ ~ll ~ ~e sl~e ~ ~w~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~v~ to ~e ~~on ~d i~ B~d of D~ to ~on:e ~e c~ ~d le~ ~ses~ ne~ss~ to m~n Co~ ~ ~or ~e Co~aon Ma~te~ce ~ ~ d~bed h~. It is und~ood s~ e~% ~e Ci~ of Co~ell, T~, ~ro~ i~ C~ Co.oil, m~ el~ ~ ~i~ dte ~ ~d p~ of ~e Associ~on or i~ ]~o~d of Dkec~, ~ ~e ~t aec~s~ ~ ~e any ~tlon ~qu~ ~d le~ any ~s~ ~ ~ ~gon mi~t ~ve, ei~ ~ ~e ~e of ~e ~soc~on, or ~se, W cov~ ~e ~st ofmal~n~ce of ~{d C~mon Ar~ ~or Common ~~ce AR'I'ICLE IV TITLE TO COMMON Section 4.1 A~.o 'c~ttipn to Hold. The A~sociation will own all Common Areas in fee simple and assume all m~nce obligations with respect to any Common Areas which may be hereafter established. Nothing c~,ntaln~ herein will cream an obligation on thc part of Deolara~! to establish any Common Areas. A~y owner ofproper~ within the Property,/ncludin§ any property that is a~nexcd into the Property (includ: nE, but not limited to, the Drainage Ditch Area), with the permission of Declarant, may convey such prop.:rty to thc Association. Th~ Assocht/on shall accept and maintain such property for the benefit of it~ meanber~, subje~ to any restrictions set forth in tile deed or oiher /nswamenl vansferrlng such proi~r~y to the Association. Section a.2 Creek/Des~jpss~, l~i~b-Ars~_~. As of ~ ~ of ~s D~I~&G~, ~e ~ ~r~_~r~ase ~!=~ .~ea ~ no~ p~. ~e~, D~l~t h~ ~s~ ~e figh~ ~o mo~ the des~p~ of~e C~~g~ D~ ~ (~cre~e or d~ ~e s~e of~e C~k~in~e ~ ~ea) ~ ord~ to facili~m ~e p' a~g of ~e ~1 prop~ on ~ sides of ~e ~ec~ge ~ Are~ D~cl~t ~1 have ~e ~i~ w ~nvey ~e ~ree~minage ~i~h ~ lo ~ Assoc~on at any ~e; ~vid~, h~ev~, ~e ~v~c~ ~I1 o~ no lat~ ~bsn ~ (30) days a~ fm~ p~ts for ~ sides of ~e C~~ge ~~ ~e fil~ in ~ public l~d ~rds. The ~i~ ~I be obli~d w ~ept ~e ~onv~ce of~e C~~~ 9!~k Area in i~ ~ ~t ~fion. ~e ~_e~~ ~Area is ~ed for ~e ~n~l of ~~ (inol~i~g p~ of ~e ~off ~m ~e ~op~) ~d b not inked ~ a ~ati~l fe~ of ~e Vis~s of C~pell, nor is ii Dedsrstion or CoveuiuU, Coud~ons :tod Restrictioos - Ps~e - $ - 8:\t¢~nh~opp ell.wlxi intended as an aesthetic ameaity. ~e ~raina~e l~t~,~-Area shall be maintained {in substantially its current condition) by D~ctamn': until De~lazant'$ conveyance oftb~ Creek/Drainage ;;h~h-Area to the Association. Therc~, the Cr.,~.~._k/Drainage ~;t/t~a-Area shall be maintained by h~¢ Association as Common Area. Notwithstandi~, the for~oin~ Declarant reserves the right to y_~lUlZlldJ.Y_~ske improvemeoiS to the ,C~eek/Dr:dna~e Gitsh--~ but in nO event shall l)e~larant's ,_~mporary maintenance responsibility/nclud= the oSii~ation to make any improvements to the Cmck/I)raina~e ~,~. lqot~thsmndin~ ally provision hereJxt, Declarant resm'~e~ the riEht to t~raxtt easements and/or to dedicate or ¢offvty ~h~ C.~. ek/~raina§e I~lda-Area or any potion thereof to §ov~nun~fftal allthor~es or dis~l'i~ ~or purposes of roads, stormwat~r drainaEe ~on~ol axld/or ulilifics. ~ LiabiliW _lasur~n.c_e_. Prom ~nd afl'er the date on which title to any Common Area vests in thc Assoc~tion, th.', Association will p~rohase and carry a general ¢omprehe~asive public liability/usurance policy for the t.e~e/it of the Association and its members, covering occurr~ccs on the Co~_ ~on Areas. The pol/cy ihni~ will be as detmmined by the Board of Directors. Thc Association will usc its bes~ ~tfor~s to see th/.t such policy will comaiu, if available, cross-liability endorsements or other approl~ate provisions for ~he benefit of members, the Bosrd of Dire~ors, and the management ¢ompsay remi-ed by ~he As$o¢ia~iion (if any), insurir~ each ~,i,~ liability to each o~er insured as well as third parties. Any proceeds of insurance polio/cs ~vned by the Association will be zeceived, held in a segreg&te~l account and distributed to the Association's general operut/nE aoco~nr~ members, Board of Direotora, management company and c~her instueds, as th¢/r int~s~s may b~ dt~erm/ncd. S~etion._4~4. Co_g.tUi~l~. In the even! of condemnation or a saIc in lie~ thereof of all or any pox~ion of thc Co~!~on A.-eaS, the funds payable with respect thereto will be payable to the Association snd will be used by the Aesociation to purchase additional Common Areas to replace that which has be~n condemned or to take whatever steps it deems reasonably ncccsr~ry to repair or correct any damage suffered as a result clothe condcmnation. Iftbe Board of Dire-mrS de~ermines ~ ~h¢ funds ca, not b~ used in such a rn~nnes due to ~he lack of available land for additional Common Areas or for whatever reason, any remaining lands may be distributed ~o each Owner on a pro rata basis. ARTICLE V ARCHITEC~ REVIEW Sectiou_.5,1 ~.~u~r~l Control _Committee. A commiltee to be known as the Archite~-tural Control Committee (the "ACC")will be established consisting of ~ members. (s) The members of the ACC will bc appointed, terminated and/or replaced by ~b~ Dcc~t ~o lonf: ~s there is Class B membership. There~er the members of ~he ACC will be appoints, d, lm~rnlr ated and/or replaced by the Board of Dire~wrs. (b) 'thc purpose of the ACC is to enforce thc architectural standards of the ¢ommuniW and to approve or disapprove plans for impmvcmca~s proposed fo~ the Lots. (c) 'rite ACC will act by simplc majority vote, and will have 'the authority to delegate its dut/es or lo ~e~ain the services of a professional entitle:r, architect, desirer, hlspector or other persor to assist lathe performance ofits duties. 97~ 643 6809 PAGE.~ ** TOTAL PAGE.06 **