Vistas of C P2B/FP-CS 980216ROBERT L. DILLARD Ill ROBERT E. HAGER PETER G. SMITH DAVID M.BERMAN BRUCE A. STOCKARD A~FORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW ~ EH~ II1 1800 LINCOLN PLAZA JASON C. MARSHALL 500 NORTH AKARD J. DAVm Dodo Ill DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 ROBERT L. DILLARD, JR. (214) 965-9900 H. Louis NICHOLS FAX (214) 965-0010 LAWRENCE W. JACKSON OF COUNSEL February16,1998 VIA FACSIMILE #(972)643-6809 AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Ms. Linda Signer Centex Homes Southwest Regional Office 9441 LBJ Freeway Suite 504 Dallas, Texas 75243 RE: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell Dear Ms. Signer: Please be advised that we have reviewed the revised Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Vistas of Coppell, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas you forwarded to our office after business hours on Friday, February 13, 1998. We find that we have no negative comments conceming the rest and remainder of the deed restrictions. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, NICHOLS, JACKSON. DILLARD, HAGER & $4~TlrH L By: ~~~/ REH/slp cc: Ms. Isabelle Moro 16:00 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO COPPELL CM P.0~/05 reslTiotlons as may be imposed ~hercon by Declarant, provided that the annexation will be $ovemed by the following rul~: (a) ?KA/VA Aovr9v~]: D~laram will submit a written reque~ for ~Woval of ~y ~n~t;on ~der ~is' $ecfi~ (~c~ ~on of ~ p~pe~ d~d in E~ibi~ "B") to ~e F~.~ai Ho~g A~i~tion ("~") ~d ~e Ve~ A~~fion ("VA"), ~omp~ied by a copy of ~he D~gon of A~ion. ~y pm~s~ ~n~on m~t be (i) l~i~ to a dafin~ ~ (ii) in ~co~ wi,~ a g~ plan fil~ ~ VA, and (iii) approved by the VA ~d ~. (b) ?~o~s_ent~r $oind_er_Not R~uire.d - ~xeept_C.o_~seOt o_f OwneT. No consent or joindar of an? Class A member or other ~ except ~e record ov~er of ~he land befall ~mexed will be nec. e~sary to effect any annexation made pursuant ~o ~i$ Sect/on. (c) .])~cJ_s_r~tton of Anu~tion, Annexation shall be evidenced by a ~ Declaration of A~mexation executed by Deo~t selling forth the teFal descril~iOn of the prop~ty being annexed ~nd any specific resl:rictive covenants to be applied to such annexed proper~y. time prio o . perry, ha · the sole and exclusive right to ~wr?jenat.e its right, to.anne~./,~? Additional Prop .e?y\~ provided in $~-'~ion 12.1 above by r~¢ording a n oocume~t m rae publi.!_~ad records ro/le,~tin~'ltto t~rrnina~ion. , -- S~ction 12.3 Annexation by Action of lVJ[enlbelrs. A~ any time tile Board may request approval oflhe membership for-tie annexation of additional prol~ into the Association ~o b~ subject ~o all of ~he terms of this D~cl. wation to ~e same extent as if ori&inally included hcreim No such annexation shall be effeclive ual;ss approved in wr/ting by members entitled m ~s: two.thirds ~2/3) of the votes in ~ac, h class ofmeml~hip, and, in the case of property :or described in Exhibit "B,~ by FHA and VA as set forth ia subse~io~ 12.1(d) above. Any property that is conti=ouous ~o the exisling property subjecl ~o this Declaration may be annexed her~o accordin$ to. ~he foregoing requirements, provided however, lh~l no such annexatior, shall be effective without th~ consont and ~oindor of the owners of the property ~o be annexed. $u:h annexation must b~ evidenced by a D~lara~ion of Annexation. as se~ forth in t~b_s~'~tion t 2. [Cc) above, exeeo~ed by the parties herein described. $_ection 12.4 No D~,t'V to Anuex. Nothing herein conr. ained shall establish any duty or obligation on the pa~ of thc Dechr'an= or ~ny member m a~nex any property into =he Asso¢iatiom and no owner of property excluded from the Associ~on shall have a~y ri~t to have such prOlX~'y annexed tt~r~o. ~ Effect ~,fAanexstlo~_on C...lsa__lfl_lVlemb. ershlv. In d~t~,minin~; ~he number of Io~s owned by De~larara for pUrl~ses of ~lass B membership status according ~o Sect|on 2.6. the ~otal number of Lots covered by tho ~sso¢iation, in~ludin$ all Lots annexed thereto, will be considered. If Class B membership has previo~sly lap~d but annexation of additiongl property restores the ratio of Lots owned by Declarant to th~ number r~quir~d for Class B membe~hip, such Class B meml~rship will be r~instated until it expires purstm~t t~ the t~'ms of~. Oe¢l. ratien of Covaaants~ C~uditious .nd Restrict~ns - PS$c - 21 - g:\lepl~dgwnorg'l~,~pp~ll.~q~d (7-1.1.98) ~.B L~ 'i~ 15:~3 97a 6d3 6~ PR~E.02