Vistas of C P1A/FP-DR 961126(3)NOU-27-1996 0B:5~ CITY OF COPPELL P.O? DEVELOPMENT REVIew COMMITTEE DRC~ DATE: November 26, 1996 ! ~ ~' CONTACT; IRAVIS CRUMP, ACTINO FI~ t~ MAR,VHAL (214) ~ COMMENT STATUS; ~ P~MINARY I (Phase lA and 2B are combined for the purposes dependent on each other.) I. Woodridge Drive and Trail Pddge Drivt street names are too close to streets in existt 2. Show tie-in to MacArthur Blvd. entire subdivision, as it relates to equipment. of comments since they are names need to be changed. These · ce in Coppell. Conc~ .rned about traffic flow throughout evacu.'~ion and access for emergency 3. Too many dead end streets. Fire DePartment cannot provide adequate coverage with streets partially completed. TOTAL P.O?