Walgreens/PP-CS 970605The City With A Beautiful Future P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 June 5, 1997 Mr. David Kastendieck Kastendieck and Associates, Inc. Suite 111 7035 Tidwell Houston TX 77092 RE: Walgreens, Coppell TX Dear Dave: Thank you for sending me the brick sample. Trying to coordinate materials with your neighbor to the north has been more difficult than I thought it would be. I took the sample immediately to Dr. Weber at All Care Veterinary Center, but he said he had already ordered his brick and couldn't change it. The remaining time has elapsed in trying to find out what brick he had ordered. Enclosed you will find a front elevation of his building. The brick is Acme Quorum, in the king size, the same as was used on Overton Bank at the northeast coruer of Denton Tap Road and Sandy Lake Road. I understand that very little more is available in the king size, but that Acme can provide a close match in color. It is entirely your call, or that of Walgreens, to make. Both bricks are entirely suitable, however, I think that Acme Orchid is so much lighter than Quorum, and the vet clinic so much small than the drugstore, that a closer match in value would yield a better looking project. If it is not too late to explore that option with the brick supplier, I would appreciate it. Sincerely, Pert Virtanen Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services Attachment