Walgreens/FP-CS 970416liiilI FiIlUy 94-PARKWAY L.P. 2710 OAK LAWN, SUITE 102 DALLAS, TEXAS 75219 (214) $22-8620 To Whom It May Concern: RE: .NH/C Denton Tap & Parkway Blv~, Copl~ell, ?'ex~' We hereby grant permission to Shamrock Ventures to come on to our above referenced adjacent property as needed for purposes of construction on lheir site. Shamrock Ventures agrees to hold 94-Parkway L.P. harmless for any claims for damages arising from same. By Gcncral Partner: W. R. ~'i¥18£ord, P,.r~ident -" INC. By SHAMROCK VENTURES, INC. MEMO city of coppell Final Plat for Walgreens, Job #97-009 ,'O&O&?5,' ~:&&~OOO&