Waters Edge P2/PP-CS 930720~ITY OF.COPPEL~ DATE: ,19 93 Subdivision Name W.ggDrs g.d~e. Pha&e Two Preliminary Plat XX__ FINAL PLAT REPLAT Applicant Address --Street City Phone # 934-0123 Kadleck & Associates Firm Preparin~ P]at___5_3.p6 A~pha Road, Suite 5 Street City Phone # 702-0771 Waters E~ge Joint Venture 5220 Spring ~alley.~Road, Suite 500 Dallas Tx. 75240 State Zip Dallas~ Tx.. 75240 gtat~ Zip Property Owner Address Phone #. Developer. Address FDIC* Strmet City State Zip Same as Applicant Street City State Zip Phone # -' All CorreSpondence relative to this application should be directed to whom: Name~_j__Ly~>~Kagl~k- Addrm~s 53~6 A1phm.Road, S,,~re 5 ~-- City, State, Zip Oalln~ Phone # ...... 70Z-077] 8. General Location of Property .. S~Hy L~ke P~ad -.!gost ef. M ac Arthur Blvd. Wl~at is the present Zoning District? "c" & SF3 Are yOU requestin~ any zonin~ change? Yes I[ yes, what is t1%8 Case File #__TBD Zonin~ district Requested9 '~" to.."SF7" 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: band Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea, use) $i,n,~le F __a_ml 1Y .._ 20 4.70 D__uplex ~ Zult,,.!-Famil¥ ~ :[~duS'[ri a 1 ....... . 0.95.._._-+ ::m .o.s o: o: \':. _:~ Waters Edge Joint Venture zz~ ~ Property under contract to Waters Edge Joint Venture with closing to occur prior to action on zoning or plating. Received From ACCOUNT ~NCE