Deed of Record - ThompsonWILLIAM G. THOMPSON, herein called Grantor, ".9.c0 ED of the ~un~y of Da].las S~ of T~xas , for and in conaide~tion of the sum of ~ me tn hand ~dL~ J. STE~ ANDE~ON~he receipt of which is hereby fully acknowledged; the ASSU~TION OF AND AG~E~NT ~ PAY by the Grantee herein the unpaid balance now owing on one note in the original principal s~ of ' $~,315,200.00, dated 2-15-74, executed by WiLLI~ G. THOMPSON, TRUSTEE, payable to the order of .-~S E. RED~N, as therein pr.~vi~ed; note secured by a Deed of Trust of even date therewith to WILLI~ B. SECH~ST, Trustee, filed for record in Vol~e 74041, Page 0061. Deed of Trust Records of Dallas Cowry, Texas. J. $TEVE ANDER$ONf'herein called Grantee, ~ ~e ~un~ of Dallas ,8~ of Texas , a~ ~at ~in lot, Zract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Dallas Cowry, Tex-s; to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HE~%0 ~D ~DE A PART HEP~OF FOR ALL PU~OSE$ ~ additional consideratLon of this deed is that Grautor is hereby released from all liability and responsibility of every kind what- soever regarding this pcoperty. - ........ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desex/bed premises, r~ag,ther with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise, belonging unto the ssid Grantee, his ~.e/rs and assigns forever; and I do hereby bind myself, my heirs snd asslrnn, a~alns~ every person whomsoever :."fully claiming, or to claim the same or any imrt : the?.of. Witnes~ my hand at Dallas, Texas ~:~h 26th day of. June W'~-- t Request of Grantor: _ ~ ,w ~A. D. 1981I. 8~8~ 00~ All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated ?~.,... in the J. W. ANDEPSON SURVEY~ A-18, according to the Map Records of Dallas County, T~xas and being the same tract of ' %n~ 3ceded to Vulume D222, Pa~e $§9, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas~ and further described.by metes and bounds as follows: '~' BEGINNING at a railroad spike for corner located in the asphalt at the intersection of the centerline of Sandz Lake Road and Coppell Road; THENCE North 89 degrees 45 minutes East with North line of said survey and the centerline of =aid S~nd~' Lake Road, leaving s~id cqnterline of said road at point of curvature, a total distance of 2707.53 feet to a point for corner; Ti~NCE South 0 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds West, passing a steel rod in the existing Southerly R.O.W. line of ~andy Lake Road and' entering a fence line at 52.57 feet add continuing with fence a total distance of 1410.~ feet to a steel rod for corner by a '" ,THENCE SOU~h-~89 degrees 15 minu~es West ~lth fence, paso/ag a a~ 266S.7 fee~'mn~ ~ofltinul~g a ~o~al ~Istanco of 2698.7 fee~ ~o' a point in ~he =enterline of said Coppell Road; THENCE North 0 4egree~ 47 min~es 35 smcondu West, wi~h centerline of saia coppell Road a dis=ante of 1433.68 feet. to the plate of ~ginning and being all that real property ~ned by Grantor In the J. W. Anderson Survey and acqu~ed L~ Grantor L. A. Duzzett on January 7, 1969, SA~ ~D ~EPT any of property lying within a public or private road not owned ~ SA~ AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: ~E~NG a crate of 1~cI ouc of tho J. W. ANDERSOI~ SURVI~'. A~ST~CT NO. ~tty cE Coppe11. Dallas ~unty, Texan, and being parc of tho InmO tract of land deeded to ~. R. DutteCC by Roy ~. Ccc,ch on December X6, 1968, ne recorded Ln Volume D222, page ~89, Deed Recorda of Dallaa Coun:yg and being more pacttculnrly decg/bed as ~ollovs: ~menctng ar a r~tltoad eptke at the tntetsect$on cE the cenKotltno o~ 'Sandy ~ke Road (60~ R~} and the eencar~ne o: Coppall Roa~ (60~ ~IKNCE, N 89° ~8' 2~" E, for m d~stance of 30.00 feet Co a point, ma~d ~ ~tnc being ~ thereat ROW line o~ ~ppe11 ~ad; TIIEHCE, N 00° 06' 3~" ~, fcc a dtsrance of 1070.52 ~eet to e point ~ot a cornet, ea~c_.~*~g ~.00 feet Not:hesse o~ the South 1/ne ~: a Stag Gas Co~pan~ eaBemenc; T~EKCE, S 57° 28' 03" E, along and 5.00 feec Ko~tb~ the aa/d Sough~ .' ~seme~C line of ~ne Sta~ Can, for a distance o~ 130.62~et to a point ' ~oc a corner; '.' . '. ' South ~ of Sandy ~ke ~ad ($O; R~); ' ~ ~ Sandy ~ke ~o~d; - , ':~:~1~C¢. S O0° 06' 35" E. for a distance of 436.08 feec :o an an~le'p~nt~ .~.~'...,,z,-satd point begnR 5.00 feet Norct~ea~t oE the saJg easement :',TII~CS. S 57° 10' 05" R. a~on8 and 5.00 feeC nottl~eas~ of sa~d easer ::'Z~[~e, fo~ a d~s~ance of g66.3~ ~eet co a poin~ ~or a co,net; ~IENCE. S OO° ~5~ ~5" ~, for a d~stance o~ ~6~.27 Eee~.~o a po~n~ ~or a ccrnet'- TIIENCE, N 89° 56' 00" W. for · d~an=e of 969.6 t'ee~ ~o ~he ~OINT OF