Waterside P1/Re-CS 911009"~ The City With A Beautiful Future October 9, 1991 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 Mr. Dayton McAtee Albert Halff & Associates, Inc. 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 RE: WATERSIDE ESTATES, PHASE I - FINAL PLAT Dear Mr. McAtee: This letter is to inform you that your request for approval of a final plat of Waterside Estates, Phase I, was approved by .the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, October 8,1991, subject to the following condition: 1). that a 15 foot drainage easement be shown on the final plat from the alley east of Meadowglen to Lakeshore Drive, then provide a 20 foot drainage easement between Lots 4 and 5, Block B, to the canal, as generally shown on the attached plan. I have provided for your use, a procedures list for filing executed final plats. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (214) 462-0639. Sincerely, Gary L~ Sieb, A.I.C.P. Director of Planning & Community Services GLS/lsg xc: Taryon Paster Bowman, P&Z Coordinator Building Inspections File WTRSDICC.ACT P O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 FILING OF EXECUTED FINRL PLRT PROCEDURES Following approval of the final plat by the City Council, and correction of the plat as required by the City Council, the information listed below must be completed prior to submission of the Final Executed Plat to the Planning Department. [] Original signatures on all plats. Names must be typed or printed below each signature. [] Signature block of Utility Companies, with original signatures of each representative. [] Eight (8) paper copies and two (2) mylars. Paper copies must be folded. You may submit additional copies for your use~ however, the above mentioned amount must be returned to the City. ~ Clear film positives. I each; 1" = 600' and This requirement is for plats larger than 20 acres only. ~ Three (3) 8 1/2" x I1" sheet size, reduced copies. [] Transmittal letter, including name and telephone number of contact person. ~ All blank spaces completed, with the exception of t~e signatures of City Officials. When the information listed above is complete; submit eight (8) bluelines, two (~) mylars, clear film positives and a transmittal letter to the Planning Department. It will take approximately ~ - 5 weeks, to review and obtain signatures. Once the proper signatures have been obtained, the Planning Department will telephone the person listed as representative or contact to pick- up the plats. The representative shall submit filing fees and the required number of copies with the County Clerk. The developer completes the filing process and returns the required number of filed copies to the Planning Department. Said copies shall show on each sheet, the volume and page of the Map and Plat Records into which the plat was filed by the County Clerk. If the final plat has not been submitted for signatures by City Officials within six (6) months after approval by the City Council, the plat shall be deemed null and void, resubmittal shall be required, and current subdivision regulations shall apply. AI~'il, 1988