Waterside P2/PP-CS 850415e 0 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date ApriJ 15 ,, 19 85 Subdivision Name Waterside Estates Phase II Preliminary. Plat FINAL PLAT XXXX REPLAT Applican.~ Triland Development, Inc. Address 5400 LBJ Freeway., Suite 1370, Street Phone ! 934-1234 Dallas, Texas City S La te Firm Preparing Plat Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address 8800 N. Central Expwy., #300, Dallas, Texas S tree t City S tate .Phone J 739-4741 P'roper ty Owner, Triland Investment Group 75231 75240 Zip .Zip Address 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1370, Street Phone J 934-1234 Developer Triland Develop.ment, Inc. Address. 5400 [_BO Freeway, Suit.e. 1370, Dallas, lexas 75240 Street Ci"ty' State i Zip Phone I 934-1234 Dallas, Texas 75240 City State Zip All Correspondence relative, to this appI!catio9 should be directed to whom: Name Address Jean B.. ~aier q/o Nathan D. Maier Consultinq Enqineers, Inc. 8800 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300 Ci fy, State, Zip Dallas, Texas Phone ! 739-4741 75231 General Location of Property North of proposed Parkway Blv. d., West HacArthur Blvd., East off existinq Headows of CoDDell SubdiVision. 5 What is the present Zoning District? SF-9 Are you requesting'any zoning change? No If yes, what is the Case File Noi? Z~nin~ 'district requested? Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for each use) S i n 9.i. e___.F_am i iy Pup]ex {,~uI t i-~Gm_~'iy u Cc}mn,: roi a 1 Indu:;tri al Public Street R/W Parks, ~Ublic Condominium (Specify new or converson) Tota 1 123 42 Acres TRILAND INVESTMENT GROUP By: TRILAND DEV~NT_L,~ INC. J.o-n~ C. RowleP~5 ~ec. ~.p.