Waterside P2/PP-CS 850513GINN, INC.
May 13, 1985
Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers
Three Northpark
8800 N. Central Expressway, %300
Dallas, Texas 75231
Re =
Final Plat and Construction Plans
Waterside Estates, Phase II
Coppe11, Texas
This firm has reviewed the above referenced plat and plans for
conformance to the City of Coppe11 Subdivision Ordinance. We
are allowing this to proceed to the Planning and Zoning
Commission. However, the following must be-addressed prior to
being placed on the City Council agenda.
Final plat should show drainage easements for culverts as
Please show property owner to north.
opening for Waterside Drive.
Please show median
Subdivision Ordinance provides for minimum 425' radius at
street centerlines. Curves 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 15 do
not meet this criteria. Please address.
4. Please show details of bank, headwall, and related improve-
ments at lake.
For the box culvert on Waterside Drive, please provide the
a. Sidewalks on structure.
b. 100-year storm elevation.
6. Minimum size of sewer main should be 8m. Please address.
Sewer mains must be PVC or ductile iron. Maximum leakage
should be 100 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile
per day.
Distance from clean.uts to manhole should not exceed 200'.
Please address.
Rorizontal curves in sanitary sewers are not acceptable~
but if necessary, a minimum 750t radius is required.
10. Please provide street lighting and landscape plans.
16135 Preston Road * Suite 106 * Dallas, Texas 75248 * Phone 214/386-6611
11. Sidewalks along MacArthur Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard
must be provided with this project. Please indicate.
12. Please install flushing device'at capped ends of water
mains, specifically at cul-de-sacs.
13. Provide engineerts seal on appropriate drawings.
Please feel free to contact me concerning the above.
. Wankum, P.E.