Wellington Pl/PP-CS 851218The City With A Beautiful Future MEMDRANEX.~ December lB. IDB5 P. O. Box 478 Cot:~:~l. "rex=. 75019 214 - 4~2-(x)22 TO: FROM: Vivyon Bowman. Planning and Zoning Dept. Debbie Leyton. Public Works Department ~ RE: Fee Assessments on 'Wellington Pig' The following fees ere Account no. 815 B§6 Park Fund 005 812 due and payable on the 'Wellington Place' apartment development: Construction Permit Fee [~',~ -__,---:.~..~ ~nr._ ~t~n COSt estimate in croat tE~;~;~h --, , .. . Water Availability Fee [$175 per ~it) ~wer Availability Fee [~!75 per ~it) Park Fees [$75 pe~ unit) Utility Inspection F~ Initial Cost of Water Meters Water Load Test Amount $ B2O 36.000 36,000 lB,DOD 150 21,220 39 Please be aware that nc construction permit will be issued until · construction cost estimate on water, wasteweter, atorm sewer and paving has been ~jbmitted by the developer. The construction permit fee will be based on this cost estimate. .. If you have any questions concerning these fees. please let me know. cc: Director of Public Works Finance Director