Vistas of C P2C/FP-CS 970611(2) P.O. Box 478 Coppeli, Texu 95019 The ~ Wltb A ~eamLeul Fulure FAX COVER SleET Fax No. (972) 304-3570 lq.FASE DELIVER THE FOLLO~G PAGES TO: FAX NO. TRANSMITTED BY: NUMBER OF PAGES (INCUJDING COVER SHEET): IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGL-q= PleASE CAI-L BACK AS SOON &S POSSIBLE. PLEASE DIAL DIRECT TO THE p_l~_ .Cd3N SENDING THIS FAX BY DIALING TIlE DIRECT DIAL NUMBER LISTED. THANK YOU, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS SECTION IX - FINAL PLAT AND PLANS 19. A landscape plan shall be submitted and shall conform to the guidelines established in the City of Coppell Streetscape Plan. Also, it is the policy of the City of Coppell to protect and preserve native trees and vegetative cover to the maximum practical extent in the development of subdivisions. Because some trees and vegetation will be destroyed during construction by the Developer, some replacement will be required. The tree replacement should be addressed in the landscape plan, conform to guidelines established in the City of Coppell Streetscape Plan and City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance and must be verified prior to final acceptance of the subdivision by the City of Coppell. ao For residential subdivisions and for non-residential subdivisions where the landscaping occurs in common areas to be maintained by a property owners association, these plans shall include: Edge treatment along major and minor arterials and collectors. Subdivision entry features, including monument signs (all monument signage must conform to guidelines established in the City Sign Ordinance). Screening walls. - Required irrigation systems. 20. For non-residential uses, the final plat or site plan shall indicate the anticipated building area and parking for the development. Building area shall be the gross floor area less porches, patios, balconies, and garages. Such information shall be used only for the purposes of parking review and fee calculations, and shall not limit building A certified copy of the Property Owners Association Agreement, By-Laws of the association, and any assessed fee structure providing for maintenance of common areas. These are to be used as reference only when requested by the public. The Construction Plans shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas and shall bear his seal on each sheet. The irrigation plans shall be designed by a Licensed Landscape Irrigator, with seal and signature affixed to each sheet of said plans. The