Westfork Add/PP-CS 870616 CITY OF COPPELL " SUBDI¥1SION APPLICATIOI~' ~ / 6~ Subdivision Name' Date 2. Preliminary. Plat ~ ._=.~; ~ Address ~ M~-l14~:L __o~_~(. f~D, .~.A~ ~ Street C~y - SLate Zip ' 4. Firm'Preparing Plat .~' i Address P'~operty Owner ._ LI~tJE~ J. ID~_,-_~1-T- · .Address Phone t Developer ~-~Um J. 1~)I~._/_~-/-T- _ Address . Address Id~q -rl~n~ a.~_.; ~& _ __ City, .State, .' Zlp : . -' - .. _ _ : ' ~hone I ---~,~- ~6'~'- (::A/-7~ ' ' General Loca~cion of Property ~ ~~~-~~ ~~ ~ 11). What is the present Zoning Distr$ct?- .~F=-I~ - Are you requesting any zoning change? ,, ~) ~ ~es_.. what_i~ ~ Case Fi~e Zoning district re_quested?, ~ - .Pr°P°se~ Sub~ivision Contains=. Land Use ~o. o~'Lots or Units Ac~:es (~or each use) ~I~ItO~E/~TY OWNHR- CITY OF DEVELOPER'S PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS: A. Complete all parts of the.official subdivision application form ........... B. Pay appropriate filing fee. Preliminary Plat-S100 plus $4.00 per C.Submit twenty-t~ (Z2) folded prints of the preliminary plat and plans scale of 1" --.100' or larger on sheet size 24" x 36" ................... : ........ D.Submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the site-plan of the proposed development ................. '. ................................................................ E. Submit one (1) 8H" x 11" print of both the preliminary plat and site F. Submittal shall include a letter of trs~mittal requesting review ........ G. Prints of the ~ plat and plans shall contain the following information: 2. Name of the proposed subdivision ................................................. · ' 3. Name and address .of the subdivider ........... "' ............................... 4. Name and address of the Engineer or Surveyor responsible for design or $. Tract designation and other descriptions according to the abstract and survey records of Dallas Count~, Texas ............................................ /L North point, scale and date ........................................ 7, Boundary line of the.trac{--_- ........................................ m/ . 8. The names of ad~ace~t subdivisions or names of record of owners of adjoining 9. 'The location, widths ~d ]~-~.~ o~-~1~ exim:ins proposed or platted =reels, ' easemen~s or other public ways within or adjacemt to the tract. ......... Il.' ~ec~ion lines, polirtr.~ subdivision or corpora~ limir~ and sch°~l ~i~ri~-~ · boundaries..._ .............. _ ................................. the deeds for the use of all propert~ owners i~ the proposed subdivisio~ together with the purpose or conditions of lim~ir~tions of such 13. r.x~s~mg zoning of m~e and surroundt.~g proper'o, 14. Layout, ]{~mb~rs and &pproximate dimeusiomms of proposed lor. s and all 15. Locatitm of proposed scree~inil wsll~_=___ .................... ; .... 16. Topography of the site (/intervals of $ fee~ or Ir. ss, referred ~o seal level ac~i err~ .sad other ~mderground ~r~ctmres wit. bin the rrac~ and immediately 7ace~t ra~ere~o with pipe wizes-mui'bcat-ions hdicated.._ ' __..;.is/ 18. Pr~liminar~ pia~s of-proposeg ~ater disr-ribu~ion sys~eru, sewage collection s~tem, .~m rd~e and off si~e ~h~mage system amd H. If the applicant is requesting any variances ~o the Subdivision Ordinance he must' submit a letter specifically outli~i.5 ~iS re- spective requests.,.,.; ........ ;...; ............ .~..; ....... ,.;; ................... ~ L The applicator must submit twenty-two_ (Z2) folded.prSnt_sof_the con_cept .u~l. p.lan of the required ~la~_ds_c_aping _whic.xh_ _.~_~ __coni'_or-m _ to the gmdeLines established in the aplwoved .Slm'eelmmape Iriam... [~ ~', ~' ~EL'iMINARY PLAT AND, ,..ANS: CONTINUED PAGE J. For residential and non-residential subdivisions where the landscaping occurs in common areas to be maintained by a property owners association, this plan shall included: 1. Edge treatment along major and minor arterials and collectors ......... 2. Subdivision entry features ......................................................... 3. Screening wall locations ........................................................... :.~:.~ K. After review by the City Staff, the applicant shall make all corrections requested of him by the City Engineer .................................................................... 88 T~is ~ is only a supplcm~T~to ~:he ~T l~xbdivtston Ordinance. It is-The applicant's - - re~xmstbfliw To review snd comply.with tbe.r~quiremea~s of the current Subdivision Ordinance.. L Prints of the site ]~lan shall contain the foUowing information all one 24" x 36" sheet ( submit twenty-two (Z2) folded prints and one (1) 8~/" x 11" print). and access easements adjacent to cbc proper~¥, and access ~ts ~ ~d adjacen~ to the pro~y~ Ser~ and bufld~g l~e~; " 1. Property dimensions of the site and approximate disr~.nce to neare.~ cross ~ree~; 2. All exi~ing or proposed buildini~s on The properw,' existing structures and fire lane 4... All existing private and public s~reets including s~reer widths, median openings, and left-turn lanes; ' $. Proposed f, reas of dedication, if necessa'ry, including streets, alleys or easements; 6. Points of ingress and egress to ;..he proper~y including desig~ and spacing of' driveways; ?. Parking ar~' including number and layout of spaces, aisle Width, garbage pick-up location, fire lanes, and Wpes of surface of fire lanes; 8. Screening wails and location, type of screening wall, either living or masonry. 9. ludicate ail'areas to be landscaped, ~Tpe of landscapin;, and .tor~l square foo:ai~e of · . landscaped areas; do no~ use ~ s-mml~; 11. A~ existing, servic-~, fire ~vdran~s,'wa~er. mains, 'and sewer-mains ~in- the ~rac~=----: .-~-?-:- and ~nmediatel? adjacent.to it wish--pipe-size and location_indicate~',.-- ._~ .... - hydraats, manholes;' and other alcrpurcmces or s~ructures shown. ~2. Ail proposed or ex~ing Water an/sewer connect'ions, met-er locar/ons, si~.e of me~e~, - - 12. ~h~ floor eleva~i~ of pro~ or ~~ ~ruccuru on ~e si~e r~erenced to 14;. ~g ~d proposed c~o~ of ~e tra~ ~ ~te~a~ of one foo~ or le~, refer~nc~ Propose/or.exist~g_ on and off-s/re inlet; culverts or or. her drainage s~ruc~re~j' The. following informar~on Should be sulrmt~-~ed as notes on G. he 'side-plan: "f:-" Proposed use of r. he'site Or bulld/ng~. ". .... ' ' $~=e of bufldin~ (square foo~n~e~- - Hef~ht.of ail struct'urer,. Number of llvin~ units, by number of bedrooms, if applicable. ' Calculation of r~be-parkinl~.spaces require~ and provide~_ It.~VISION O1~ ~ PORTION O1~ A ~ FI.AN P~OUIR.B~ ~'~' o~ ~ N~ 001571 - ~ DATE I _ ; V // , ~OUhrr O~ ~CCOUNT $ , A~U~T ~ID ...... $