Whispering H/Re-CS 990127IgO00 i5 §'TP~ ESMT. UTILITY E S MT~-~ 160 59 ~ 4 5 7 BL.K. B 5 6 7 8 BLDG LINE I00 O0 I0' TP&L. E~T 9 lC DRNG ESMT-- 120.00 I O0 O0 ,, I00 O0 65.99 II §'TP~L 1210~ 0 m ~"l~"l I~'~["'~"~'~"1'' N. 89~56'00"W_ 6(098 8574 BLK. C IlO. 32 N. 89°56'00"W. i~ 969.67 9 o o 120.01 II 12 1~9 72 ary Publia 'in and for said eotmty and state on this day · , lm~n to me to b~_ the person ~hose name is subscribed to, .o~ledged to me tha~ he exeeuted the same for t~e purposes 4L a~d in the ¢~oa~ityvtherein stated.