Willowood P2/PP-CS 781103The City With A Bebdtiful Future
P. O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 750~,9
214 - 462 - 0022
November 3, 1978
Veterans Administration
1100 Commerce Street
Dallas, Texas 75202
Re: Willowood #2
Coppell, Texas
Dear Fir. Agnew:
Final plans for the water, sewer, paving_and drainage have been sub-
mitted and accepted by the city for the referenced addition. When
these facilities and improvements have been installed and constructed
in accordance with these plans and city specifications, they will be
accepted by the city subject to the one year's maintenance as specified
in the contract documents submitted to the city for this project.
Upon the expiration of the one year maintenance bond, these improvements
will be accepted and maintained by the City of Coppell.
I trust that this provides the information that you need concerning this
matter. However, if you have any questions or need any additional infor-
mation, please contact me at your convenience.
V~ trul y//~/
//~ames R. Elium, III City Administrator
cc: Fox & Jacobs