Windsor Est/FP-CS 990512COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 May12,1999 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-0022 Mr. Kelly Jordan Coppell Optimum Assets 308 Park Meadow Way Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Windsor Estates Final Plat ' 'nform you that the Windsor Estates, Final Plat, to allow the development of a 23-1ot residential subdivision with common areas on 15.78 acres of property located approximately 540' east of Allen Road, at the end of DeForest Road, was approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, May 11, 1999, subject to the following conditions: 1) The developer will be assessed a $1,285 per dwelling unit park development fee. 2) The Homeowners Association document must be revised to reflect that no pavement enhancements or fixtures/structures be allowed within the right-of-way and 5-foot wide trail easement. 3) City Attorney will have to approve the revisions to the Homeowners Association document prior to the recordation of the plat with Dallas County. 4) Provide the Volume and Page reference on the plat. 5) Compliance with Engineering Department comments: a) The floodplain limit shown on the plat should be shown as the FEMA floodplain limit until after the LOMR is approved. A Replat would be required when the floodplain is modified. b) No development will be allowed in the 100-year floodplain. 6) With the creation of Lot 1X, a portion of the front yard setback for Lot 1, Block A, should be measured 25' from the northern boundary of Lot IX. Also, the square footage of Lot 1 will have to be modified. This Final Plat must be submitted for signatures by City Officials within six months after approval by the City Council (November 12, 1999) or it shall be deemed null and void and resubmittal shall be required. After City signatures have been procured, it is the applicant's responsibility to file the document with the Dallas County Plat Records Department. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for execution of Final Plats and Replats. If you have any questions, please contact me at (972) 304-3675. Sincerely, [ irecto~ of Planning & Community Services c i: Jaime Beard, HalffAssociates, Inc. Isabelle Moro, AICP, City Planner Building Inspection City of Coppell Planning Department PROCEDURE FOR ~ FILING OF EX~2~CUTED FINAL PLATS AND REPLATS Following approval of the f-real plat/replat by the City Council, and correction of the plat as required by the City Council, the information listed below is required for the submission of the Final Executed Plat to the Planning Department: Transmittal letter, including the name and telephone number of the contact person. · Ali blank spaces completed, with the exception of'the signature of City Officials. Eight (8) 24~ x 36' black lines and one (1) 24' x 36' mylars. Black lines must be folded in a 8 1/2" x 11' format. You may submit additional copies for your use; however, one (1) paper copy will remain with the City prior to filing and, after filing, seven (7) paper copies and one (1) mylar must be returned to the City. Original signatures on all plats. Names must be typed or printed below each signature. Signature block of Utility Companies, with original signatures of each representative. It will take approximately 3-5 weeks to review and obtain signatures of City Officials. Once proper signatures have been obtained, the Planning Department will telephone the person listed as representative or contact to pick-up the plats. The representative shall file the plat with the Dallas County Clerk and return the seven (7) black lines and one (1) mylar to the Planning Department. Said black lines shall reflect on each sheet, the volume and page of the Map and Plat Records into which the plat was filed by the County Clerk. If the final plat/replat has not been submitted for signatures by City Officials within six (6) months after approval, the plat shall be deemed null and void, and resubmi{tal shall be required. For additional information, contact the planning Departmeat at (972) 304-3678.