CC agenda approval 3/19/02I T H E: C i T Y 0 F COPPELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2002 ITEM # ~' ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Wynnpage Plaza South, Building 2, Site Plan, request to allow the development of an approximately 9,000 square-foot office building on approximately one acre of property located at the southwest comer of Denton Tap Road and Wynnpage Drive. SUBMITTE~ TITLe.' Director of Plann~ and Community Services STAFF CO . - - APPROVED CITY COUNCIL DATE Date of P&Z Meeting: February 21, 2002 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners McGahey, Halsey and Dragon voting in favor. None opposed. McCaffrey, Clark, Kittrell, Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 2) (CONDITION MET) ~lount light fixtures on the two front entrances along Denton Tap Road. meters shall be screened from view within the entrance features or behind solid screening. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS:q/~, Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 FIN. REVIEW: CITY MANAGER REVIEW: ~3Wynnpage2sp 1-agenda request CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Wynnpage Plaza South, Building Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: February 21, 2002 March 19, 2002 (Date changed from March 12 because of CISD Spring Break) Andrea Roy, City Planner At the southwest comer of Denton Tap Road and Wyrmpage Drive. Approximately 1 acre of property. C (Commercial) Site Plan approval to allow the development of an approximately 9,000 square-foot medical/office building. Developer: Mark Wainscott Wainscott & Associates 4815 Keller Springs Addison, TX 75001 Phone: 972-447-9119 Fax: 972-447-9110 The subject property was originally platted as part of the 14-lot, 25.65-acre DTC Business Center, which was filed on January 6, 1987. On March 26, 1991, City Council approved the rezoning of the residential property to the west from C (Commercial) to PD-115 SF-7 (Wynnpage single-family subdivision). As a result of the development of the Wynnpage residential subdivision, the DTC Business Center plat was vacated on May 8, 1992. The subject site remains unplatted at the current time. The parcel immediately to the south of the subject lot, known as Wynnpage Plaza Lot 1, Block A, received Site Plan and Minor Plat approval from City Council in October 2001. The plat is currently in the process of being filed with the County and grading work has begun. Item # 7 Access to the site has been provided through a shared curb cut on Denton Tap Road. This drive will serve as the fire lane/mutual access drive through the site, connecting to Wynnpage Drive. At the direction of the Fire Marshal, for matters of health and safety, the entire fire lane/mutual access drive was required to be constructed in conjunction with development of Lot 1 and will be in place when this subject site is developed. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six-lane divided concrete roadway built to standard in a 110-foot fight-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - vacant, C (Commercial) South - vacant, O (Office) East - retail/vacant, C (Commercial) West - Wynnpage residential subdivision, PD115-SF7 (Single Family-7) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for mixed use, which includes office uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan approval for the development of an 8,896-square-foot medical/office building on approximately 1.033 acres of property. The site is situated at the southwest comer of the Denton Tap Road and Wynnpage Drive. The subject request is the second of its kind to be located in front of the Wynnpage subdivision; both will be constructed to appear as a planned office development, with shared access, coordinating architectural elements, design, and landscaping. Site Plan The proposed building will be served by 47 parking spaces, well exceeding the 30 required spaces for a business or professional office. The applicant has provided the additional parking to adequately serve the proposed medical/dental uses, not to exceed 7,000 square feet of the 8,896 square-foot building. A 40 square-foot monument sign will be provided along Denton Tap Road. The sign will be constructed of stone veneer to match the building, with black metal letters. The sign will read "Wynnpage Plaza South", which will identify this and the property to the south (Lot 1). Item # 7 Architecture The proposed building will be one-story, measuring approximately 21' to the mid-point of the roof and 31' to the peak. The primary building material will be red brick, with cream/buff stone veneer and cast stone accents. Windows and doors will be bronze aluminum with tinted glass. Copper colored metal vents will serve as pseudo dormers on the roof. Staff commends the applicant's efforts to design a building similar in style and scale to area office buildings, as well as the adjacent residential structures. However, concern remains with regard to the "true front" elevations of the building. Because the building has been designed with the primary entrances along the south and west elevations (adjacent to the parking areas on the interior of the site), extra detail and enhancements have been placed on those elevations. This design leaves the actual rear of the building facing Denton Tap Road and Wynnpage Drive, which is troublesome to staff. While the applicant has made significant improvements to the proposed faqade along Denton Tap Road, with two secondary pedestrian exits, a bumped-up roofline and stone accents, no architectural enhancements are provided along the Wynnpage Drive elevation. Staff would request that the applicant revise the design of the elevation facing Wynnpage Drive to provide a feature and detailing similar to that added along Denton Tap Road and enhance the elevations to more closely reflect the design elements on the south and west sides. Landscaping The proposed landscape plan appears to fully provide the required interior, perimeter, and non-vehicular landscape areas, including the required number of trees. However, the landscape tabulations indicate that a shortage actually exists. Staff has recommended that the applicant revise the plan and/or tabulations to provide the required level of landscaping. In order to alleviate the required tree mitigation associated with the removal of existing on-site trees, the applicant has proposed to provide 4" caliper trees in lieu of the minimum required 3" caliper trees. The provided tree mitigation plan has been reviewed and approved by the City's Landscape Manager. In order to address perimeter landscaping along the south property line, which falls within the mutual access driveway, the applicant has provided a 1 O' landscape buffer along the south property line between the parking and building. While not provided in a traditional manner, it is staff's interpretation that the design meets the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance in providing a buffer and relief between properties. Item # 7 Additionally, staff is concemed with the probable placement of mechanical and utility equipment in highly visible locations on the subject site. As Oncor Electric & Gas has requested easements along Denton Tap Road, it is likely that equipment serving this site will be placed within that easement. To ensure adequate screening of the utility equipment, staff has recommended that the applicant comply with Section 12-33-1 (6.A) by providing a significant level of landscaping to adequately screen any mechanical and utility equipment from view. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Wynnpage Plaza South Site Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1) Revise the design of the north building elevation to provide a feature and detailing similar to that provided on the east elevation. 2) Revise the Landscape Plan and/or tabulations to provide the required level of landscaping. 3) The applicant shall comply with Section 12-33-1 (6.A) by providing a significant level of landscaping to adequately screen any mechanical and utility equipment from view. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take Site Plan under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Elevations 3) Landscape Plan 4) Tree Survey Item # 7 ®I SVX::t J. "l'F;ddO0 VZV'ld 30YdNNAM V )lO0'lg i~ .LO'I o ]¥1~3~H00-0 03NOZ 3 0 V"~N NA 4,,I ,Il I' ,'1 I t ,,1, !,! 1 il il ! ! i b.I,. I[~[,llt.lllJ '1111 I i' ,, :l hlll !hll :]:,lllil I illl,! .! tt If I,..I ,il i~ll 'il !,I¢IIII il,il, llil::!i~! il!!!!! iiI, ,I ~,I Il!! I,I[""I: ,ll~ Iii l:ll:i::ll[ :II: ii:I ;:Il ::Ill Z 0 o 9¥1:)B31,'41,'40:D -0 03NOZ I ~1 0 3 ~ V d N NA, M (' Iii !I Jl SV)(3.L 'TFIddO0 H.I.I'IOS VZV'ld 3DVdNNAM V NO0'I[i ~ .LO'I 'OUl ~o,~,o~o~v v~:>v<~ :l. lOO~U !I~NN mil= ~~ ~q '~9V NN I1 I , ~ Il ,' ,!hIi ~t ,lIl~I Jill;lit: !Il]El