Woodlands of C/AP-CS 960411The City With A Beautiful
April 11, 1996
Finley Development
16801 AddLf~n Road, Suite 250
Addison, TX 75248
Reft The Woodlands of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
Dear Mr. Finley,
it my underrdlnding that you intend to re-plat the above ~ef6renced project. During this process, I
would request that you consider a street name change for the exL~ting ' South Windinghoilow
Currently, Windinghollow Lane runs north from Sandv Lake Road to Minyard Drive. This block
includee the 100 & 200 eerle~ addressee. In an emergency situation, South Windinghollow Lane
will present four potential serious problems:
1 } Since there ia no "North" Windinghoilow, emergency calls for an address north of Sandy
Lake may be mistaken to be south of the interssction.
2) Sirn/lar block numbers will cause additional confusion for emergency and non-emergency
3}The name "South Windinghollow Lane" exceeds the currently allow number of
characters in the dispatch database. To shorten this entry to "S Windinghollow Ln" makes
the probability of confusion even greater.
4) Current addressing i~ besed on block numbers st similar q3acing throughout the city.
Two digit numbere are not used end can create add'rdonal dispatch confusion and response
The Coppell Fire Department supports the name of Woodland~ Trail for this street name change. If I
can be of further assistance in this matter or future projects within the City of Coppell, please 6o
not hesitate to contact me.
Division Chief I Fire Marshal
cc: Greg Jones, Chief Building Official
Gary Sleb, Director - Planning & Community Services