Wynnpage Plz/SP,MP-NR010920September 20, 2001 TO: City of Coppell Council and Planning and Community Services We have purchased our house on Hearthwood Dr. in Wynnpage Estates in the spring of 1997. Since then we had observed an incredible increase in automobile traffic in the city of Coppell and especially on Denton Tap Rd. Few days ago a developer showed the residents of Wynnpage subdivision his plans for building on the two vacant lots, owned by Waymon Levell, separating the subdivision from Denton Tap Rd. The developer, Mark Wainscott with Stifling Wainscott Builders, Inc., informed the residents that his plans are in an approval stages at the City Hall and the City will allow the access to the two properties via Wynnpage Dr. I am very surprised that people who are in charge of public property and safety of Coppell citizens at the city govemment would allow for this access to be cut through. As it is right now to enter or exit our subdivision during morning or afiemoon rush hours sometime takes 10 to 15 minutes. Drivers on Denton Tap are yet to notice the sign "DO NOT BLOCK THE STREET". Putting more signs, as the developer said he would, will not make our living under proposed plans safer. Wynnpage Dr. is the only entrance and exit to our subdivision, any increase in traffic in and out of Wynnpage Dr. will not only create an extremely unsafe entrance and exit, it will also burden the residents with already frustrating system of trying to enter or exit Denton Tap Rd. This increased traffic in and out of Wynnpage Dr. will jeopardize proper, safe and quick access to any emergency vehicles (fire/police/ambulance) as needed by residents within the subdivision. We already have resident traffic increase due to CISD removing our subdivision from school bus routes. I drove around Coppell and I have not seen a single development with the street access design to the homes and businesses in the same way that this developer proposes. Another very important part of developer's proposal that I have a problem with is the way the buildings will be positioned on the lots. With present proposal the access to our subdivision will be obscured and diminished. Wynnpage Homeowners Association was conveyed the land through which the developer wants his drives to the parking lots. The Association paid and cared for the land since 1994. Now the developer wants to destroy all that. If the plans get approved our safety due to increased traffic will be gravely compromised and the property values will go down due to the developer destroying the drive up appeal into our subdivision. Please consider my pleas for not approving this plan before you. Please come to our subdivision and imagine yourself being a homeowner here. If you lived in Wynnpage subdivision would you want this developer's plans be approved? Barbara Szczachor 972-393-4781 zakors~home, com 104 Hearthwood Dr. Coppell, TX 75019