Wynnpage Plz/SP,MP-NR010925From: To: Date: Subject: "Neumeier, George" <gneume01 @sprintspectrum.com> "'citycouncil @ ci.coppell.tx.us'" <citycouncil @ ci.c... Tue, Sep 25, 2001 11:47 AM Proposed Development of Wynnpage Frontage Dear Mayor and Council Members: It has been brought to my attention that the property in front of Wynnpage Estates on Denton Tap Road is in the process of being developed. I know that this property would eventually be developed some day, but the proposed access or right of ways has me quite disturbed. Before purchasing a home in Wynnpage Estates a year ago, I was assured by the homeowners association that the entrance to the existing residential community was a private drive, and no adjoining entrance or access could be built without the permission of the homeowners association. In addition, a recent legal review of the original survey for Wynnpage Estates confirms this private right of way. However, I have been informed that the City of Coppell has taken an opposite position, and is in the process of allowing a developer, to develop the land in front of Wynnpage Estates and permit a "cut in" to the existing private drive. This is very alarming. If this is allowed, it will drastically change the appearance, safety, and value of what was once a very attractive community. It appears the city has no regard for the welfare of existing residents, but "caters" more to developers and the potential for an increased tax base. I plan on attending the October 9th council meeting, and hopefully addressing my concerns in person with the mayor and council members. George Neumeier Direct Sales Managed Dallas Voice 972-349-6901 PCS 214-642-1934 CC: "'cmo@ci.coppell.tx.us'" <cmo@ci.coppell.tx.us>, "...