Woodlands of C/FP-CS 950505May 5, 1995 Mr. Pert Virtanen ROBERT LANGE Ass't. Director Planning & Community Services City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Final Plat for the Woodlands of Coppell Dear Mr. Virtanen: This letter is to document the revisions agreed to on the above referenced plat in the Development Review Committee meeting on Thursday, May 4, 1995. 1. Remove the label "5' Fence Easement #7" shown behind lots 12 & 13, Block A. 2. Modify the curve table to include Chord Bearing and Chord Distance. Curve #75 in Detail 1 and Curve #78 in Detail 2 should be tied to a lot comer in order to fix the exact location of the landscape easements. e Modify the labels on the plan and in the HOA maintenance area table to reflect the following: a) Area 3-A: Common Area in the west parkway of Winding Hollow Lane, adjacent to Lot 29, Block A owned by the Homeowner's Association. b) Area 3-B: Common Area in the median of Winding Hollow Lane, adjacent to Lot 29, Block A owned by the Homeowner's Association. c) Area 3-~: Common Area in the east parkway of Winding Hollow Lane, adjacent to Lot 1, Block A owned by the Homeowner's Association. Modify the HOA maintenance area table as follows: a) Remove the last two sentences from the "Purpose" column on area #7, starting with "These obligations...". b) Add: Area - 8; Description - Unpaved area between the alley paving and the west boundary of this plat, abutting lots 10-20 of block A; Purpose - Maintenance of the unpaved area between the alley and the perimeter fencing Mr. Pert Virtanen Page 2 May 5, 1995 Reduce the labeling duplication between the main entry on the plan and Detail 3. Remove curve data for paving from the plan to make the Winding Hollow Lane centerline curve data more legible. Remove Winding Hollow Lane curve data from Detail 3 to make curve data for paving more legible. Common Area 3-A, 3-B, 3-C labels should remain in both locations. Label the off-site easement on the City of Coppell park site with a vol.__ pg. reference. The actual filing information must be on the face of the plat prior to filing. Please note that the City of Coppell has no information on this easement. While it will not affect plat approval this easement should be processed as soon as possible Correct bearing call between lots -l~C2'of Block A to S 22 08 00 E. 9. No signatures are required on the face of the plat for this submittal. 10. Corrected deed restrictions should be submitted as soon as possible. 11. 12. Clearly show T.U. Electric transformer easements on the face of the Plat. Contact Tim Brancheau at (214) 888-1307, and fax corrected easements to him at (214) 888-1304. Submittal due Tuesday May 9, for the P&Z hearing on Thursday May 18. Submittal will include 17 folded blue line prints, 3 - 8 1/2"xll" paper positive reductions, & 1- 8 1/2 xl 1" transparency of each exhibit. This record reflects my understanding of the issues discussed. If your understanding differs please notify me immediately so differences can be reconciled prior to the Tuesday submittal. Robert Lange Landscape Architect xc. Mr. Ken Griffin, City of Coppell Mr. Bob Finley, Finley Development Mr. Gary Hobbs, HAP Engineering